Chapter 70-Italia

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The soft glow of the setting sun painted the Italian landscapes in hues of gold, orange, and pink as Athena and Michael stepped off the jet, hand in hand, their hearts filled with a mix of excitement and contentment. The air was crisp with the promise of a new beginning, of endless possibilities stretching out before them in this foreign land.

They were ushered by Bill and Jerome to the place in which they were staying for the week. Once they got inside, they placed their bags down and Athena plopped onto the couch.

Michael looked down at Athena, "Mrs. Jackson?"

Athena gazed up at Michael, her eyes sparkling with love and joy. "Yes, Mr. Jackson?" she replied with a soft smile.

"Mrs. Jackson," Michael began, his voice husky with emotion, "I just wanted to say... thank you. Thank you for being my rock, my guiding light in the darkness. You've shown me what it means to truly love and be loved in return." He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his, his eyes locking with hers, "I'm so happy that you allowed me to marry you."

"I'm happy that you allowed me to marry you," Athena said, reversing it before looking down at her wedding dress and sighing, "I never want to take this off."

With a tender smile, Michael lifted one of Athena's hands to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against her knuckles, "You are the most beautiful bride, Athena," he murmured, his words filled with sincerity and adoration, "I would marry you a thousand times over if it meant I could see that radiant smile on your face each time."

Athena smiled as she looked into his eyes, "I have to go shower," she nuzzled her nose against his before running into the bathroom.

"Hey, wait for me!" Michael laughed, reaching the bathroom door right as it shut in his face, "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want to let me in?"

"Not really," Athena giggled before realizing she had one problem, "Uh...."

"What's the matter?" Michael asked with a fond smile as he unbuckled his belt and loosened his tie.

"I forgot there were a lot of zippers on this dress," Athena said, "This is gonna take a while."

Michael chuckled, his eyes soft with affection as he leaned against the bathroom door, "It looks like you'll have to let me in, then," he teased as he slipped his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants, stepping out of them.

"No, I could totally figure this out!" Athena said unsurely, "I think? There's this—wait, what does that attach to?!"

"Aren't I supposed to take that off of you anyway?" Michael smiled as he leaned against the door, now only in his underwear, "Come on, baby, let me in."

"Wait until he realizes I never locked the door," Athena giggled to herself.

After hearing her comment, Michael grinned and pushed the door open, "Oh, I'll help you with that," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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