Chapter 119-Fertility Woes

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October 25th, 1995—LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA—2:17 AM

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October 25th, 1995—LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA—2:17 AM

"I can't believe we're about to wake your sister up in the middle of the night just to bother her with this!" Claire whisper-yelled, "What if Michael is here?"

"I'm sure Michael wouldn't mind being woken up," Kayden waved off, "And he's not on tour right now, so he probably is here!"

"And what about your sister?" Claire huffed, "I don't want her to be mad at me for breaking into her house at two in the morning!"

"Security knows us, so....technically, it's not a break-in," Kayden said as he pushed open his sister and brother-in-laws bedroom door, "She's out like a light. Oh, look. Michael is here! Aww, they look so cute cuddled up like that."

Athena stirred in her sleep as the door creaked open, mumbling something incomprehensible as she shifted slightly. Claire and Kayden exchanged a nervous glance, wondering if they should wake her or come back later. But time was of the essence, and they knew they had to address the issue now.

"Should we wake her?" Claire whispered, her eyes fixed on Athena's peaceful face.

Kayden hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yes, we need to talk to her about this. It's important."

Taking a deep breath, Claire stepped forward and gently shook Athena's shoulder, "Athena, wake up," she said softly.

Athena blinked groggily, her eyes fluttering open as she tried to focus on the figures standing by her bed, "Claire? Kayden? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"We need to talk to you about something important," Kayden said, his voice grave.

Athena sat up, causing Michael to stir slightly and instinctively pull her back down, "What is it?" Athena asked, rubbing her eyes and trying to shake off the fog of sleep.

Claire took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, "It's about...our fertility," she began, choosing her words carefully.

"You guys are having a baby?" Michael asked groggily as he slowly started to wake up.

Athena's eyes widened in surprise as she shot a bewildered look at Claire and Kayden, "You're...having a baby?" she repeated, her voice filled with astonishment, "You're pregnant, Claire? Congratulations!"

Claire exchanged a knowing look with Kayden before she continued, "Well, it's not exactly like that. You see, we found out something about our fertility...or lack thereof. It turns out that I can't conceive with my reproductive organs, and Kayden can't either. But there might be a way..." She trailed off, uncertainty clouding her expression.

Athena exchanged an astonished look with Michael, who looked equally as confused as she did, "What are you saying? You're going to adopt? Or use a surrogate?"

"Well, not exactly," Kayden said as he shared a nervous look with Claire.

"We talked to our doctor and he said that there could be a way to take another woman's egg and transfer it into me," Claire explained, "And because Kayden's sperm count is very low, we would have to have that egg fertilized by another man and then planted into me."

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