Chapter 123-Rearranging The Schedule

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FEBRUARY 11th, 1996

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FEBRUARY 11th, 1996

After a few moments, a voice answered, "Neverland Valley Ranch. Jerome speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi, Jerome. This is Captain Olivia Benson and Sergeant Finn Tutuola from the Manhattan Special Victims Unit," Olivia said, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced over at Finn and the others, who were listening intently beside her, their eyes fixed on her as she continued the call with Jerome, "We're calling because we're dealing with a case and we were hoping to get a consultation or a meeting with either Mr. Jackson or Miss Tyler. We must speak to somebody as soon as possible."

Jerome listened quietly on the other end, his voice calm and professional as he responded, "I see. Let me check if there's a window for a meeting available. Can you hold for a moment, please?" Before Olivia could even reply, Jerome began talking again, "Bill, is it possible for us to squeeze in a meeting today? The Sergeant and the Captain from Manhattan SVU want to speak Mr. Jackson and Miss Tyler."

Bill hesitated, his voice barely audible through the phone, "I'm not sure, Jerome. Mr. Jackson's schedule is pretty tight today and so is Miss Tyler's. Let me check again."

Clearing her throat, Olivia replied, "Gentlemen, we understand their schedules are busy, but this case is time-sensitive. We can be there at their earliest convenience."

"It's looking like neither of them are able to leave the house today," Bill said, "Tell them maybe they can meet next month."

Olivia exchanged a brief look with Finn, the urgency of their situation weighing heavily on her shoulders, "We appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid next month is too long to wait. This case is really....very time-sensitive."

On the other side of the phone, Bill and Jerome exchanged a look—silently asking each other what this meeting could possibly be about.

Finn immediately recognized Jerome's name as Athena's personal Head of Security, "Hey, Jerome. You're Athena's personal Head of Security, right?" he asked as he looked over at the brothers. 

Jerome hesitated for a moment, clearly taken aback by Finn's direct question. After a brief pause, he replied cautiously, "Yes, that's correct. How do you know that?"

"Well, I'll be straight with you," Finn said, "I was a fan of Athena before I was a cop. And my son is a fan too."

Jerome's tone softened slightly at Finn's confession, a flicker of recognition crossing his face, "I see," he replied, his guard lowering just a fraction, "Athena does have a way of inspiring loyalty in her fans."

"And her brothers," Austin added as he looked at his newfound family.

"Oh, yes. Kayden and Athena are fiercely protective of each other," Jerome said with a chuckle, "You mess with one, you face the wrath of the other.

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