Chapter 162-Heart Ache

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September 12th, 2001—7:00 AM

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September 12th, 2001—7:00 AM

As they arrived home to Neverland Valley Ranch, Athena immediately retreated to the bedroom, where she went to hide in the shower in the attached bathroom.

The sound of the water cascading down filled the otherwise silent room, a soothing rhythm that matched the turbulent thoughts racing through Athena's mind. She leaned against the cool tiles, letting the water wash away the grime and sorrow that clung to her skin.

She slowly sank to the floor of the shower, the water from the shower head mixing with the tears rapidly streaming down her face as she cried silently.

Despite the warmth of the water cascading over her, Athena felt a chill deep within her soul. The events of the day replayed in her mind like a horrifying movie on a loop, each scene more haunting than the last. She couldn't shake off the faces of those she had tried to save, the desperate cries for help that seemed to echo in her ears.

Lost in her thoughts, Athena didn't hear Michael quietly entering the bathroom. He stood there for a moment, his heart breaking at the sight of his wife crumpled on the shower floor, her tears mingling with the water that flowed down the drain.

Michael quickly pulled his clothes off and stepped into the shower, wrapping his arms around Athena and pulling her close. She stiffened at first, surprised by his sudden presence, but then relaxed into his embrace, letting her tears flow freely as he held her tight.

"I'm here, Athena. I'm here," Michael whispered softly, his voice filled with love and compassion, "Let it out, sweetheart. Let it all out."

Athena clung to him, her body trembling as she released the emotions that had been trapped inside her since the tragic events of the day before. Michael held her close, offering silent support as he let her cry, the warmth of his embrace a comforting anchor in the storm of her grief.

As the water continued to cascade down around them, washing away the pain and sorrow that had clouded Athena's heart, she felt a sense of release wash over her. In Michael's arms, she found solace and strength, a reminder that she was not alone in facing the storm and the overwhelming turmoil.

"You are not alone, I am here with you. Though you're far away, I am here to stay," Michael sang softly in her ear, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul, "Just the other night, I thought I heard you cry. Asking me to come, and hold you in my arms. I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bear. But first I need your hand, then forever can begin...."

"No.....stop," Athena whispered, "Please. All those people—"

"Shhh, baby. Just let me hold you," Michael whispered, "Let it out."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say the 'd' word," Athena's voice was barely a whisper, filled with regret and vulnerability as she clung to Michael as though he were her lifeline, "I'm sorry, baby. Please don't leave me."

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