Chapter 180-Love & Suspicion

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JULY 20th, 2009

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JULY 20th, 2009

As Jerome, Bill, and Quincy were sitting in the living room at Neverland, one of Michael's new backup dancers for the 'This Is It' Tour came in.

"Hey! Quincy, Bill, Jerome," Alan addressed, "Has anyone seen Athena?"

"You mean Miss Tyler," Jerome corrected, "And she's busy."

"Technically speaking, she's Mrs. Jackson," Bill added, "Considering she's married to Michael."

"Well, do you think you could page her?" Alan asked excitedly, "I want to talk to her about an idea I have!"

Jerome, Bill, and Quincy looked at each other—each one of them thinking the same thing. What did Alan want to speak to Athena about? They knew it had to be some sort of business deal or opportunity, but for what, they didn't know.

"Um...." Quincy trailed off, "We could try, but there's no guarantee she's available to speak to you."

"He's right. Athena is very busy today. She doesn't have time to talk," Bill added, "I could try to get Michael for you?"

"No, it's okay. Can you please try Athena? I know you said she's busy, but please try," Alan asked, "She's less intimidating."

"Less intimidating?" Bill said with a raised eyebrow.

Jerome saw the faint flicker of annoyance in Bill's eyes and decided to step in, "Sure, Alan. We'll see if we can track down Athena for you," he replied with a smile.

As Alan left the room to wait for a response, Jerome turned to Bill and Quincy, "What do you guys think this is all about?" he asked, curiosity tugging at his mind.

Quincy shrugged, while Bill crossed his arms thoughtfully, "I have a feeling it's not just a casual chat he's after," Bill remarked.

"Athena has been handling a lot of Michael's business affairs lately," Quincy added, "Maybe Alan wants to pitch her some idea related to that."

Jerome nodded in agreement, his mind already spinning with possibilities. Just then, the door opened, and Athena swept into the room, her aura of confidence palpable as always.

Alan practically jumped up from his seat, eager to engage her in conversation. The three friends exchanged knowing glances before settling back to silence watching the two disappear down the hall and into Athena's office. She intentionally left the door open.

Athena motioned for Alan to sit while she leaned against her desk with her arms crossed, "What's this about?"

"Well, I know that you and Michael are doing a lot with the Heal The World Foundation," Alan finally spoke up, "And with the recording of We Are The World 25....I was wondering if I could have some involvement in it?"

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