Chapter 173-Risk of Toxic Shock

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Athena was out to dinner with the Jackson family

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Athena was out to dinner with the Jackson family. Randy, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, Marlon, Janet, LaToya, Rebbie, Michael, Katherine, and Joseph were all there.

As the evening progressed, Athena found herself drawn to the quiet wisdom of Katherine. There was a serene calmness about her that seemed to envelop the room whenever she spoke, "Your marriage to Michael has brought a newfound light into our family," Katherine said, her gentle voice filled with sincerity, "I can see how much he adores you, Athena. You have a special connection, always have. I hope it lasts forever."

Athena felt a warmth spread through her at Katherine's words. She had always admired the strength and grace of Michael's mother, and to hear such kind words from her meant more than she could express.

"Thank you, Miss Katherine," Athena replied, her eyes meeting the older woman's with gratitude. "I feel blessed to be a part of this family."

The evening continued on, filled with laughter and stories shared between generations. And as Athena looked around the table at the faces of those she now called family, she knew that she had found her place among them.

Athena had been thinking to herself. And she wondered how she could be so stupid. She knows those things are only supposed to stay in for four hours maximum and she stupidly forgot she had one in, then proceeded to put in another one—and now she has a real problem.

Athena pursed her lips, taking everyone's discussions as a perfect distraction for her to slip under the tablecloth and onto the floor under the table. As she sat there in silence, listening to the conversations happening above her, she could not help but curse herself for being so dumb.

Marlon was the first to notice her absence from the table. He looked around the table, his concern rising when he realized she was nowhere to be seen. He suddenly noticed a barely noticeable shift in the tablecloth as it scraped against the floor. He looked around again before he slowly slipped under it and onto the floor under the table.

"Athena?" he voiced in surprise, "What in tarnation are you doing under the table?"

Athena froze, caught red-handed under the table by Marlon. She frantically searched for an excuse, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, "Um, Marlon, I dropped earring!" she stammered, holding up a hand to show him the imaginary earring.

Marlon raised an eyebrow skeptically, amusement dancing in his eyes, "An earring, huh? Under the table?"

Athena nodded vigorously, trying to maintain her composure, "Yes! It must have rolled off and.....rolled quite far away."

Marlon chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief, "You're a terrible liar, Athena. Come on out from under here."

"I can't do that," Athena said before pursing her lips and shaking her head.

"Why not?" Marlon asked in confusion, seeing her face that said it was an awkward explanation, "Hey, we're family. You can tell me."

"No, I can't," Athena shook her head, "It''s....yeah."

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