Chapter 11-Birthday

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August 29, 1990

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August 29, 1990

"Oh, hey, I wasn't expecting you so early. I thought you would've slept in," Athena smiles as she hears the door open, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you," Michael laughs as she gets up to greet him, "You remembered?"

"I don't forget birthdays!" Athena says, feigning offense before shoving a gift bag into his hands, "You're welcome!"

"You did not." Michael says as he shakes his head, "I told you not to buy me things!"

"Too late," Athena grins happily, "Open it."

"Girl, what am I going to do with you?" Michael asks after he opens the gift to see a very expensive looking piece of jewelry, "How much was this?"

"Don't worry about it." Athena waves off, "Happy Birthday, Michael."

"Well, thank you." Michael says, "How can I repay you?"

"By enjoying your birthday."

"I'm happy you're back," Michael smiles, "You know, that's all I really wanted for my birthday. To see you."

"Speaking of, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back. I was told it would only be a few months and then it turned out to be over a year." Athena pauses, "I just wanted to apologize for that."

"That day you got back, you gave me quite the kiss," Michael says as he leans on the doorframe of the living room, "You want to tell me what that was about?"

"Not particularly."

"You sure?"


Michael pushes himself off the doorframe and starts towards her, placing the gift down on his way, "You know we need to talk about this, right?"

"I prefer not to."

"Hmm." Michael hums and brings his hand up to the side of her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb, then proceeds to bring his hand up to knead through her hair, making her sigh softly as her eyes close, "Give up the tough girl act for just one minute. Please."


"Just answer me this," Michael says, his hand continuing to work through her hair, "According to Kayden, it is forbidden for anyone to touch your hair, and the only exceptions are him and your father. And since you haven't tried to push me off yet, I'm assuming that applies to me too?"

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