Chapter 28-Hypothetical Marriage

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Hours later, Athena was dressed and ready to go—her black and gold floor length dress and gold heels perfectly complimenting her sillouette as she walked into the venue the wedding was being held at, immediately spotting Michael, who was wearing a...

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Hours later, Athena was dressed and ready to go—her black and gold floor length dress and gold heels perfectly complimenting her sillouette as she walked into the venue the wedding was being held at, immediately spotting Michael, who was wearing a similar ensemble to her, per Reggie and Adams request that the couple match.

"Hey! Baby, have you seen Reggie?" Michael asked upon seeing her, "Adam is panicking because she hasn't shown yet."

"So he's...Groomzilla?" Athena asked with a hidden smile.

"Oh, I see," Michael said with a laugh, "You turned Bridezilla around."

Adam suddenly ran up to the couple, "Jackson!" he exclaimed, his voice stern as he looked to Athena, "Where is my fiancé?!"

"Um...that's not my last name..." Athena trailed off, exchanging a look with Michael, "Are you talking to Michael?"

"Well, I said Jackson, because you may as well be a Jackson!" Adam said with his hands on his hips.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." Athena trailed off.

Adam huffed, willing to put aside his original reason for coming over here briefly to explain his reasoning. "You and Michael are practically joined at the hip these days. You've become an honorary Jackson in my book!" he added, giving Athena a playful wink.

Athena laughed, shaking her head. "Well, I can't deny that Michael and I do spend a lot of time together. Or that I feel really close to him. But resting his last name on me might be a bit of a stretch!"

Michael interjected, wrapping his arm around Athena's waist. "Hey, if it's a package deal, I'm all for it," he said with a smile, "Athena Jackson has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Athena raised her eyebrows, playfully swatting at Michael's arm. "Oh, I see how it is. You just want me to have the same last name as you so people will assume we're married," she teased.

Michael chuckled, leaning in to whisper in Athena's ear. "Well, it wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?" he said, his voice filled with playful mischief.

"Hey, in my mind you already are!" Adam added in, "I still can't believe my almost sister-in-law is Athena Tyler, lead singer of Sorelle. I've been a fan since your careers started! And that you're dating Michael Jackson. And that if you get married, then Michael would be my brother-in-law!" he added excitedly, "Right? Is that how that works?"

"Can we please stop talking about this?" Athena asked in embarrassment.

"I think we should talk about it more!" Adam grinned, seeing the flush in Athena's face, "So, what would you do with your last name? Would you hyphenate or completely change it?"

"Um....I never really thought about it," Athena shrugged, reluctantly answering the question, "I'd definitely keep my stage name. Athena Tyler. But my legal name will have to be a discussion we have, if and when the time comes." she said, suddenly feeling nervous because she thought this conversation might be making Michael feel awkward, "I mean..." she trailed off, grabbing Michaels wrist to look at his watch, "I'm going to go find Reggie. Make sure she's not late." she said, pulling his hand up to her lips and pressing a kiss to it before retreating from the scene.

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