Chapter 4-Neverland

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After running it for the fourth time, Athena started to get more comfortable

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After running it for the fourth time, Athena started to get more comfortable. She was less tense and less stressed than she had been when they first started dancing.

Michael was able to read her body language easily and once he could sense she was able to relax around him, he took it as a sign that he could hold onto her tighter, which is exactly what he did. Athena didn't seem to mind it either.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." Michael says when they finished the final run-through.

"Not at all. You're very easy to work with." Athena says with a smile, "Unlike some people I know."

"Who are you referring to?"

"People of the past." Athena shrugs, her smile dropping into a small frown, "We don't talk anymore."

"Because they were difficult to work with?"

"That, among other things."

"Done already?" Bill asks as he enters the room.

"Yeah," Michael says, "What do you say we go back to Neverland?"

"Whatever you say, boss."

"Athena, would you like to join us?" Michael asks as he turns to the girl.


"If you're worried about getting mobbed by fans, you won't be." Bill says reassuringly, "Trust me, Miss Tyler, you're safe with us."

"Um....okay." Athena gives in, "I'll tag along. Thanks for the invitation."

"How did you get here, Miss Tyler?"

"Mr. Whitfield, please call me Athena." The raven haired woman shakes her head, "And my security guard dropped me off."

"And then left you here?"

"I told him to." Athena says with a laugh, "Nobody's ever here on a Saturday anyway."

"Okay, so we're good to go." Michael says happily, grabbing onto Athena's hand and running towards the exit, "Come on, Bill! I want to show Athena the dance studio and the recording studio and the amusement park and the zoo and the-"

"You'll get to show her all of that, but you can't just drag the lady down the hallway!"


"This is your house?!" Athena exclaims with wide eyes, "How the hell—"


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