Chapter 176-More Talk Show Shenanigans

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JUNE 25th, 2009—'On Set of The Real Daytime'—7:00 AM

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JUNE 25th, 2009—'On Set of The Real Daytime'—7:00 AM

Reggie Madden-Housley, the older half-sister of Athena Tyler, was sitting in her dressing room when Adrienne, one of her co-hosts came running into the room.

"Reggie! Reggie!" Adrienne exclaimed, "When is your sister coming back on the show?!"

Jeannie ran in behind her, "She was so much fun last time!"

Loni chuckled as she followed behind, "You know she always brings the energy up in here."

Reggie couldn't help but smile at her co-hosts, feeling grateful for their support. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she responded, "Athena is scheduled to make a guest appearance, I think sometime soon. She's been busy with her new project, but she promised she'd swing by. And she has a surprise for us."

Adrienne clapped her hands together in excitement, "Yes! I can't wait to catch up with her. She always has the best stories to tell."

Jeannie nodded enthusiastically, "And her presence just lights up the whole set."

Loni grinned, "Well, looks like we have something to look forward to!"

"Let's get a bunch of topics together to discuss," Reggie suggested, "We need some interesting ones! We all know my sister has strong opinions!"

"I still can't believe she's married to Michael Jackson!" Loni laughed, "Put her next to me again!"

Reggie chuckled at Loni's comment, knowing that the topic of Athena's marriage to Michael Jackson always sparked a lively discussion among the hosts. Just then, the door to her dressing room swung open, and Athena herself walked in, a bright smile on her face.

"Speak of the devil! Look who's here," Reggie said with a grin, gesturing towards Athena. The other hosts gasped in surprise, jumping up from their seats to greet her.

"Athena, you're here!" Adrienne exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug. Jeannie and Loni joined in, all talking at once about how much they had missed her.

Athena laughed, trying to get a word in amidst all the excitement. "I missed you guys too! And I've got so much to tell you." She paused for dramatic effect before adding, "And yes, there's a surprise." The room fell silent as they all eagerly looked at Athena. She winked mischieviously at her sister before she spoke up, "You ladies may want to add some extra spots to the table because I've got the Jackson brothers in the building!"

Reggie's jaw dropped in astonishment, unable to believe what she had just heard. The Jackson brothers, in the building? She could hardly contain her excitement, knowing that the upcoming episode was going to be one for the books. Adrienne, Jeannie, and Loni squealed in delight, their faces lighting up with sheer joy at the unexpected news.

Athena chuckled at their reactions, thoroughly enjoying the moment she had orchestrated, "That's right, you heard me correctly," she continued, relishing in the suspense she was building, "Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Jermaine, Randy, and my husband Michael are all here to surprise you guys and bring a little extra magic to your show."

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