Chapter 129-Busy In Action

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JUNE 20th, 1996

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JUNE 20th, 1996

Michael's jaw clenched tighter at the sight of the message, his frustration boiling over, "Let me see that," he demanded, reaching for the phone. Bill hesitated for a moment before handing it over, watching as Michael read the brief text from Athena.

"Busy? BUSY?! BUSY!" Michael repeated incredulously as he handed the phone back to Bill, "She's aware of the situation with Nicole, she knows we need to talk about this, and she has the audacity to send a text saying she's busy?"

Bill glanced at his phone again, noticing a missed call from Athena. He quickly dialed her number, waiting impatiently for her to pick up.

After a few rings, she answered, "Tyler."

"Isn't your last name Jackson now?" Bill asked, his voice stern and unwavering as he put the phone on speaker, "Considering you're married!"

Athena rolled her eyes, "That's how I've always answered the phone."

"Well, you need to start getting used to your new name since you're married now," Michael interjected, his tone firm, "And where are you?!"

"Busy," Athena replied nonchalantly, which caused all three men to snap.

"Busy?!" they all exclaimed with wide eyes.

Athena let out a sigh on the other end of the line, "I know, and I'm sorry for not telling you, but I had to handle something urgent."

"Urgent enough to just run off without a word?" Bill interjected, his tone accusing.

"You know your mother got herself arrested?" Jerome added with an edge to his voice.

"I know about Nicole's....indiscretions," Athena said slowly, "I'm at my lawyers' office now."

"Doing what?" Michael's sharp voice asked.

"Um.....covering cover legal fees," Athena confessed.

"You do realize that you share money, right?" Jerome asked, "If you're covering legal fees, that means Michael is too. Technically."

"I'm using my separate bank account," Athena scoffed, "This has no fallback on Michael. It's not his money."

"Athena, we've discussed before that there are no 'his' or 'hers' when it comes to money in our marriage," Michael said, barely able to contain his frustration.

"Think of it this way," Bill added, "Your money is his money and his money is your money."

"Huh?" Athena voiced in confusion, and it took all three men a minute to realize she was actually confused about that concept.

"Are you serious right now? Athena, we're married. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. We've had this conversation before," Michael let out a deep breath, struggling to remain calm in the face of Athena's bewildered response, "Everything we have is shared, including finances. There should be no 'Yours' or 'Mine' when it comes to money."

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