Chapter 97-Gradual Awakening

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Everyone had questions, of course

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Everyone had questions, of course. And Athena answered them as best she could—all until Michael sensed she couldn't take any more inquiries and insisted everyone go home.

Steven lingered behind, pulling his daughter into a tight hug, "I'm glad you're okay, honey. Call me if you hear anything," he said before letting her go.

After making sure everyone got in their cars safely, Michael shut the front door and turned back to his wife.

Athena was sitting on the arm of the couch, a contemplative expression etched on her face. As she felt Michael sit next to her, she took his aviator sunglasses off her face and held them out for him, "Sorry I took them," she said quietly, "I didn't realize they were yours."

"Baby, I need you not to worry about something as silly as my aviators right now," Michael said softly, taking the sunglasses and setting them aside. He turned to face Athena, his eyes full of concern and love, "I can't imagine how terrifying today must have been for you."

"I didn't want to leave him there, but Dr. Smith said he didn't want to see me pacing around all night so he told me to 'Go home to that beautiful man and let him take care of you for a change,' and I'm here but that doesn't mean I'm letting you take care of me."

Michael closed his eyes and slowly kissed every inch of her face. It was a gentle, soothing gesture, a silent promise of his unwavering support and love. Once he pulled back, he said, "Just be quiet and let me take care of you for once," he said, gently coaxing her into his arms, "That's it, baby. Come here. Let me hold you," Michael whispered, "You haven't cried about this at all today, have you?"

And that was all it took for the floodgates to open. She clung to him, burying her face in his chest as her body trembled with the weight of the day's emotions finally crashing down on her. Michael held her close, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears as he whispered reassuring words, his voice a soothing balm to her shattered heart. The events of the day had taken a toll on both of them, but in that tender embrace, they found solace in each other's presence.


Athena rushed around the house, not stopping for one second to breathe or sit—she had to get back to the hospital to be by her brother's side.

Michael watched her with a mix of concern and understanding in his eyes, "Baby, just sit down for a minute. You've been running around non-stop since yesterday. You need to take care of yourself too," he urged gently, reaching out to grasp her hand and draw her to a halt.

Athena paused as she turned to face him, exhaustion written across her features, "I can't sit still, Michael. Kayden needs me," she insisted, her voice filled with urgency.

"He's surrounded by doctors and nurses who are taking care of him, Athena. You need to take care of yourself right now," Michael countered, his tone firm yet gentle, "You need to eat, you need sleep, and you need to relax."

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