Chapter 88-Remember The Time

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On Set of 'Remember The Time'—December 10th, 1993

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On Set of 'Remember The Time'—December 10th, 1993

Athena and Michael found quiet moments together between takes, all up until Iman stormed onto the set, her face a mix of fury and determination. She marched up to Athena and Michael, her eyes blazing with intensity.

Before anyone could react, she pointed an accusatory finger at Athena, "You!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with anger, "You think you can just waltz around and steal the spotlight from everyone else? Well, not on my watch!" she continued her tirade, her words sharp and filled with resentment, "You may have fooled Michael into believing you're some kind of star, but I see right through you. You're nothing but a pretender trying to play at being his muse," she scoffed, her eyes narrowing in disdain, "This is more than just a job to me. This is my chance to show the world what I'm capable of, and I won't let you or anyone else stand in my way!"

"Hm," Athena hummed, pursing her lips as she exchanged a look with Michael, who looked to be unamused by Iman's outburst.

Michael stepped forward, "Baby? Come here."

Athena raised an eyebrow before taking a step back into her husbands' arms, "Yes, love?"

Michael took Jerome's suggestion from last month—he didn't care if it was petty—he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, pouring all the love and adoration he felt into the kiss. The crew around them fell silent, the tension in the air thick as everyone watched the intimate moment unfold. Michael then pulled back, his eyes never leaving Athena's as he turned to face Iman with a steely gaze.

Iman stood there, her jaw dropped, "Now, wait a minute! You can't just—"

"Iman," Michael addressed with his arms crossed and an unamused look on his face, "Enough is enough. Let me make it clear, you do not come in anywhere and disrespect me or my wife like that. That's number one. Okay? Number two, you will never be a part of any of my projects—currently or in the future. And you can relay that message to Naomi. Three, Athena has more respect for me and more respect in this industry than you'll ever have in life! So I would highly suggest getting off my set and never contacting my team again."

Iman glared, "But you originally chose me for this video! Why did the plans change?!"

Without missing a beat, Michael replied, "Plans change, people change. Now get off my set before I have security escort you out." His tone brooked no argument, and Iman knew she had pushed too far.

Iman frowned and turned to Athena, who was watching the whole thing in amusement, "Come on, Athena, girl to girl—you know this isn't right!"

Athena's expression remained cool and composed as she met Iman's gaze, her voice unwavering, "Girl to girl, Iman, let's not pretend that you don't just want into this production for the fame it would bring you. This isn't about respect for the craft or the art; this is about your own ego," she paused, "You think I didn't see that interview where you told the world that you had worked with me before?"

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