Chapter 39-Boiling Eggs

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"What is the water doing?" Kayden's friend, Aiden, asked

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"What is the water doing?" Kayden's friend, Aiden, asked.

"It's boiling." Kayden said, "Pretty cool, huh? What we do now, we're gonna add the eggs to it. Okay?

"You put eggs in the water?" Aiden asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Watch." Kayden said, giving a demonstration before hearing something fall, "Did you hear that?"

"Ah!" Aiden shrieked as he pulled his hand away from the boiling pot, "It's hot!"

"Oh, dude, don't fucking touch it!" Kayden scolded, "I told you it's hot!"

"Oh, my gosh! I thought it was like Jacuzzi hot."

"No, it's boiling hot!" Kayden said, shaking his head at his friend, "Now, we add the eggs, and we hard-boil them, okay?"

"Don't put the eggs in there." Aiden said, "It's gonna melt them!"

"No, it hard-boils them." Kayden tried to explain, "It makes them hard."

"Why would it make eggs hard?"

"What do you mean, 'Why would it make eggs hard?'" Kayden furrowed his eyebrows.

"It makes pasta soft."

"Whoa." Kayden said in realization, "That's a good point."

"Honey, I'm home!" Aiden laughed, "I've always wanted to say that!"

"It's fun." Kayden chuckled, "I say it all the time."

"Dude," Aiden said, picking up a note from the table, "Look at this."

Dear Kayden,

I know everything seemed good between us, but I've been lying to you and myself. I'm freaking out.


"What?" Kayden said with furrowed brows, "What's she talking about?"

"That's gotta be a joke."

"She must be fucking with me," Kayden said as if trying to convince himself.

"Yeah, she's joking around." Aiden nodded in agreement.

Kayden pulled out his phone and pulled up his wife's contact, dialing her phone number, "I'm gonna call her."

"Definitely should call her." Aiden agreed.

"She's not answering," Kayden said in concern, "Oh, now she's texting me saying not to call her and she needs time because she's worried about 'stuff and things'." he said in worry as he dialed her number again, only to get her voicemail, "Claire, I'm worried sick! Please just text me something. I'm worried."

Once he pulled the phone away from her ear, she saw a text come in.


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