Chapter 30-Lost Wife, New Connections

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"Is she dead?"

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"Is she dead?"

"No, baby. She fainted."

"But why does she look so pale? Should we call an ambulance?"

Athena came closer and got on the ground, fanning the blonde woman's face as she tried to give her some air.

"No need for that," Michael reassured Kayden, "She just fainted from the shock. Happens all the time to my fans."

"But....why did she faint when she saw me?" Athena furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm not that popular."

"Keep telling yourself that," both Kayden and Michael said simultaneously.

As Claire finally came to, she opened her eyes and saw three figures standing over her, "Owww. That hurt." she mumbled, "Kayden, I just had the weirdest were there and Michael Jackson was there and Athena Tyler was—OH MY GOD THEY'RE STILL HERE!"

"Okay, sweetie. I need you to breathe," Athena, being the compassionate and caring woman she is, said as she slowly approached, "Breath in, breathe out."

Claire took a few deep breaths, her eyes darting between Kayden, Michael, and Athena in disbelief. "This is real, isn't it? You're really here?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Athena smiled warmly at Claire, her eyes reflecting genuine care and concern. "Yes, I'm really here. And so is Michael and your husband," she said softly, gesturing towards Kayden and Michael.

Kayden knelt down beside Claire, a mixture of amusement and worry on his face. "You gave us quite a scare there, Claire. Fainting like that," he teased gently.

Claire blushed furiously, embarrassment washing over her features. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. It's just... meeting Michael Jackson and Athena Tyler both at once is a bit overwhelming," she admitted sheepishly.

Athena stood to her feet and held her hand out for the woman, "Do you feel alright? We can get you to a doctor?"

Claire took Athena's hand and slowly got up, her legs still feeling a bit shaky from the fainting spell. "I think I'll be okay, thank you," she answered, giving Athena a grateful smile. She turned to Kayden and Michael, still feeling a mix of disbelief and excitement at the surreal situation unfolding before her.

Kayden wrapped an arm around Claire's shoulders protectively. "You sure you're all right, love?"

"I am now that I'm able to take in some deep breaths," Claire replied, leaning into Kayden's comforting embrace.

Michael chuckled softly, breaking the tension. "You know, this isn't the usual way my meetings go, but it's definitely memorable."

Athena couldn't help but laugh at Michael's comment, feeling the tension ease as they shared a light moment together. "I can't say this is a typical day for me either," she admitted with a grin.

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