Chapter 130-Lost In Love

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Michael blinked in surprise at Athena's quick compliance, "I'll remember, baby girl," he said, a smile tugging at his lips, "What is it?"

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Michael blinked in surprise at Athena's quick compliance, "I'll remember, baby girl," he said, a smile tugging at his lips, "What is it?"

Athena hesitated for a moment before leaning in to whisper her passwords in Michael's ear. As she did, she felt the tension in his body ease, a sign that he was finally starting to relax. With that weight off her shoulders, she leaned back and gave him a small smile.

Michael chuckled at her gesture and ran his fingers through her hair affectionately, "Good girl," he said sweetly, "Now, about your mother's situation..."

As they continued their conversation, they opened themselves up to a deeper understanding of each other—they found a way to help Nicole without causing a strain on their relationship. And they even spoke of Athena promising to not run around town without letting someone know.

Michael's firm yet gentle approach helped Athena see the importance of being open with each other, especially when it came to matters that affected both of them.

And when it was over, Michael pressed a tender kiss to Athena's forehead, a silent reassurance of his love for her. As they sat intertwined on the couch, the weight of their conversation lifted, leaving behind a sense of unity and understanding. Athena snuggled closer to Michael, who took the opportunity to land a swift swat to her behind, making her squeal in surprise.

"Hey! You did not just slap my ass!" Athena exclaimed, sitting up indignantly and playfully swatting Michael's hand away.

Michael chuckled, his eyes softening as he looked at her, "I did. If you don't start taking these conversations seriously, I'll—"

Athena rolled her eyes, deciding to test his patience, "You'll what?"

"I'll strip you down and take you on this coffee table right here, right now," Michael stated with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Athena's eyes widened in surprise at his bold declaration, her cheeks flushing pink, "You wouldn't dare," she teased, though the thought sent a shiver down her spine.

Michael raised an eyebrow, a challenge in his gaze, "Try me," he said huskily, his fingers lightly tracing circles on her thigh.

Athena's breath hitched at his touch, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and anticipation. She met Michael's intense gaze and saw the raw desire burning in his eyes, causing a wave of heat to pool low in her stomach.

Without breaking eye contact, Michael slowly began to unbutton his shirt, never once looking away from Athena. Her pulse quickened as she watched him reveal the taut muscles beneath the fabric, her own hands itching to touch him.

Athena widened her eyes and made a run for it, only to get caught by Michael trapping her between himself and the door, throwing her over his shoulder as he carried her to their bedroom.

"Michael Joseph Jackson, you put me down right now!" Athena exclaimed as he strode confidently down the hallway.

Ignoring her protests, Michael opened the door to their luxurious bedroom and unceremoniously dumped Athena on the bed. He quickly moved to stand in front of her, arms crossed and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

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