Chapter 137-Back To The Bank

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

As the family exchanged worried glances, Tito spoke up hesitantly, "Could it be work related? Maybe she had a sudden professional commitment?"

"Being completely fair, I guess that's a possibility, but.....I mean, Africa? That's a whole other country!" LaToya exclaimed, "Why would she leave the country without telling Michael?"

"Did her phone break or something?" Randy asked.

"Don't you think she would have used the phone at Neverland to call Michael and say, 'hey, my phone broke!'?" Lizzo added.

"The last time I checked, Athena said she was paying her own phone bill, so she may not of," Kayden added.

Michael snapped his head over to his brother-in-law, "She told you that?" he asked in confusion, "And why would she be paying her own phone bill?"

"She said she didn't want to feel like she was using your money for stuff," Claire added, "She said something about how 'It's not Michael's phone, he shouldn't have to worry about it'."

The TV suddenly turned on, and the news anchors voice came through, "Breaking news: Pop Sensation Athena Tyler is not missing after all! She has just been spotted in Africa for what sources are calling a secret charity mission. She's seen playing with the kids and dancing with them as if she didn't have a care in the world. As if those kids were her only focus at that moment."

"Okay, so she's....she's in Africa, which would explain the payment to Aaron," Marlon realized.

As they watched the news coverage showing Athena's interaction with the children in Africa, a sense of awe filled the room. Her genuine smile and carefree demeanor touched the hearts of not only her family but also millions of viewers witnessing her philanthropic work.

Joseph broke the silence with a proud grin, "That's our Athena, always going above and beyond to make a difference in the world."

Janet nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of pride, "She has such a big heart. I'm glad she found a way to help those in need."

The bank manager, who had been observing the family's reactions closely, cleared his throat to get their attention, "Miss Tyler seems to be a remarkable woman," the bank manager began, a newfound respect evident in his tone, "Her generosity knows no bounds. I must say, it's not every day we come across someone with such a selfless spirit."

As the group walked back into Neverland, Katherine lead the discussion on transparency in relationships, "I always knew Athena had a heart of gold," Katherine remarked, her eyes shimmering with pride for her daughter-in-law, "But this...this is truly remarkable. She's out there making a real difference in the world, just like Michael always did."

Michael nodded, a sense of warmth filling his chest at the thought of Athena's compassion and dedication to helping those in need, "She never ceases to amaze me," he murmured, his gaze drifting towards the vast expanse of their home that suddenly felt a bit emptier without Athena by his side.

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