Chapter 144-Overwhelming Relief

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Marlon and Jackie followed him, making sure to stay close in case she needed help walking

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Marlon and Jackie followed him, making sure to stay close in case she needed help walking.

Athena's face lit up with a mixture of pain and joy as Michael rushed to her side. She threw herself into his arms, clinging to him tightly as tears streamed down her face, "Mikey, I thought I'd never see you again," she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion, "I love you so much."

"I love you," Michael held her close, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and concern. "I'm here, Athena. I'm here," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead as his arms tightened around her waist.

Reggie stood nearby, her eyes filled with a fierce determination despite the obvious pain she was in. "We need to get inside," she stated firmly, her voice ringing out with authority.

The Jackson family rallied around Athena and Reggie, helping them inside the gates of Neverland Valley Ranch. Athena struggled with walking, eventually deciding to tear her shoes off so her feet met the cold grass.

"Here, Athena, let me carry you," all of the brothers said in different ways.

"I'm fine," Athena shook her head, clearly not fine. She had to almost fully lean against Marlon and Jackie for support as she nearly fell backward, "Okay, fine, somebody can carry me." she relented, immediately being swooped up into Michael's arms.

The trip back into the house was short, to say the least. Everyone took in their relief that Athena was okay, and Reggie too, of course.

"We are never to speak of this again," Athena said after she was set on her feet, referring to her being carried inside, "Understood?"

Michael softly smiled at her before wrapping his arm around her waist, and pointing to his lips, "Kiss."

Athena chuckled, a mixture of pain and amusement in her eyes, before leaning in to press a tender kiss against Michael's lips. The room was filled with a sense of overwhelming relief as the family gathered around, enveloping Athena and Reggie in a protective circle.

"Okay, ladies," Joseph said as he addressed the room, "Do you think you're ready to relay your side of all this commotion?"

"I got a phone call. The person on the other end said they were from Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center," Athena revealed, "They told me that Michael was rushed to the hospital and he was in the ICU."

"And I got the same call for Adam, my husband," Reggie said, "I called Athena right away and we ran into each other while at the hospital. After that, we quickly realized that Michael nor Adam were never in the hospital. It was all a hoax to lure us out of our houses, leaving our husbands vulnerable and unguarded," she stated as she took a glance at Athena, "Athena was so scared for you, Michael. And I was so scared for Adam. I guess neither of us thought before leaving the house because we were sure you were there dying." 

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