Chapter 57-Soft Sheets

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Athena blushed when she realized what had happened, averting her eyes in another direction, "I—I'm sorry! I shouldn't look—"

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Athena blushed when she realized what had happened, averting her eyes in another direction, "I—I'm sorry! I shouldn't look—"

Michael gently lifted Athena's chin with his finger, guiding her gaze back to meet his. His eyes held a mixture of desire and understanding as he cupped her cheek, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "There's no need to apologize, my love," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. "You can look, touch...feel all you want. I want you to feel free, to touch whenever and wherever you want," he added as he brought her hand to his chest.

Michael's gaze held a silent plea, a silent invitation for Athena to explore the depths of his desires and share her own without reservations. Sensing his unwavering support and trust, Athena's hand tentatively moved across his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips. A rush of anticipation and nervous excitement coursed through her veins as she traced the lines of his muscles, memorizing every curve and texture with a newfound sense of intimacy.

As Athena's touch grew bolder, Michael closed his eyes briefly, savoring the sensation of her exploring hands on his body as his hands wrapped around hers, guiding them to new areas. Every caress, every touch seemed to elicit a reaction from him, a response that filled Athena with a sense of power and desire.

With each passing moment, Athena's inhibitions seemed to slip away, replaced by a newfound sense of confidence and passion. As her hands wandered further down Michael's body, she felt a strange blend of excitement and shyness course through her veins. But Michael's reassuring presence and unwavering faith in her kept her grounded, allowing her to explore the depths of their connection without the fear of judgment or embarrassment.

Athena seemed to have a newfound fascination with touching him, discovering the contours of his body, the way his muscles flexed beneath her fingers, the warmth of his skin against her small hands.

As she was distracted by that, Michael's hands reached down to his pants, deftly unbuttoning them. He slid them down his legs, revealing the impressive size of his erection. Despite seeing him naked in the shower, she was still surprised every time she saw him bare. Athena's eyes widened as she took in the sight, her heart racing.

Michael glanced up at her, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips, confirming her thoughts, "Do you like what you see, baby?" he whispered, reaching out to take her hand and guide it to his hardness.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she wrapped them around him, her eyes locked with his. They were both breathing heavily now, the tension between them palpable.

"Is that what you meant by risqué lyrics, baby?" he asked.

Athena couldn't find her voice. Her heart was pounding, her stomach twisting in a mix of nerves and excitement. She nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from his arousal.

Michael chuckled softly, a low and sensual sound that sent shivers down her spine, "Well then, baby, let's see if I can live up to your words." he said, his voice low and seductive as he pulled her closer.

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