Chapter 53-Meeting Under the Table

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"Wait, Hena," Carol sighed, "I

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"Wait, Hena," Carol sighed, "I....I lost my wedding and engagement rings. They must've slipped off my finger."

Athena widened her eyes in surprise, " lost both?"

Carol Ann nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've searched everywhere, but I can't find them. Marlon will be so upset when he finds out."

The other women exchanged concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Losing such precious symbols of love and commitment was no small matter, especially in a family as high-profile as the Jacksons.

Athena took charge, her voice firm and reassuring. "Don't worry, Carol. We'll help you look." she assured, "Where did you last have them?"

"I had them here," Carol said in certainty, "I know I was wearing them when I got here, and in the middle of dinner, I looked down at they were gone."

Janet nodded, her expression serious. "We need to retrace your steps starting from when you last had them on," she suggested, her tone calm and collected.

The Jackson women listened intently as Carol Ann recounted every detail of her day, from the moment she woke up to the fateful instance of noticing her missing rings. They meticulously pieced together the timeline, trying to pinpoint the exact moment when the rings might have slipped off her finger.

Athena, ever the problem-solver, suggested, "Let's go back to when you last remember having them on before noticing they were missing. Maybe we can retrace your steps from there."

"I know I had them on when I got here because I'm always looking at my rings," Carol said, "It gives me peace."

The women nodded in understanding, their gazes filled with determination to help Carol find her lost rings.

Janet sat up, her posture exuding confidence, "Let's split up and search the areas where you've been today. We need to cover as much ground as possible to increase our chances of finding them."

Everyone agreed and split up in twos, though Athena eventually wandered away from her partner and started looking by herself, crawling around on the floor to ensure she couldn't miss a single inch of the room.

Marlon was in deep conversation with Randy and Jermaine when he felt a tug on his foot, looking down at Athena who had his ankle in her hand as she scoured the carpet under it.

Marlon raised an eyebrow at Athena, puzzled by her sudden proximity to his feet. "What on earth are you doing down there, Athena?" he asked with a mix of confusion and amusement in his voice.

Athena didn't miss a beat as she let go of his foot and straightened up, a look of determination on her face. "I'm sorry, Marlon, but I'm on a mission to find something very important," she explained, her tone serious.

Marlon glanced around the room, noticing the other women also diligently searching various corners and nooks. His curiosity piqued, he asked, "What are you looking for?"

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