Chapter 100-Movie Theatre Antics

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January 7th, 1995

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January 7th, 1995

A lot had happened in Michael Jackson and Athena Tyler's marriage over the last few months. Ever since their impromptu photoshoot with Prince and Lizzo, Michael and Athena had kept up appearances and even opened the MTV Music Awards on September 8th, 1994. They showed up in color coordinated outfits and Michael decided to be sly—as they were opening the show, he slipped in a comment of, "And just think.....nobody thought that this would last," before pulling Athena into a tender kiss in front of everyone as he wrapped his arms around her petite frame.

The kiss lingered longer than expected, with the crowd erupting into cheers and applause. They went insane—fangirling, fanboying, and gushing over the power couple. Athena could feel Michael's heart beating rapidly against hers, and she knew in that moment that their love was still strong as ever before.

After that whole show, the couple had been hounded by reporters, paparazzi, and fans alike, all eager to know the secret behind their seemingly unbreakable bond. Rumors swirled, speculating on whether their love was genuine or just a façade for the public eye. They speculated that Athena or Michael was under a contact to pretend to be married and put on a show for the world to see. But neither of them cared about the naysayers and doubters. They knew the truth of their love, and that was all that mattered.

Michael and Athena were sitting in Neverland in the theatre, watching a movie called Jurassic Park that had come out somewhat recently.

"Okay, I'm just saying, these dinosaurs probably wouldn't be as violent if these people didn't go invading their territory," Athena said as she watched the people run amok in disapproval.

Michael chuckled, shaking his head, "You always find a way to defend the animals, don't you?" he teased, nudging her playfully.

Athena grinned, leaning into him as they watched the chaos unfold on the screen, "You know what I'll never understand?"

"What?" Michael asked, wrapping an arm around her.

"Why you like to put hot sauce on your popcorn," Athena said with a giggle.

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