Chapter 71-The Time For Amends

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Both Joseph and Nicole had spent the past weeks in deep reflection, contemplating their past actions and trying to muster the courage to make amends with their estranged children. They knew that time was of the essence, and that they couldn't afford to let more misunderstandings drive a permanent wedge between them and the ones they loved.

"They're coming back from their honeymoon today," Katherine said, "What's your plan?"

"Wait, they're coming here?" Joseph asked with wide eyes, his heartbeat picking up slightly.

"They're coming here?!" Nicole panicked, exchanging a worried look with Steven who was sitting on the couch.

"Yes, they're coming back here," Katherine confirmed, her gaze unwavering. "They wanted to come see us before they go home. And it's the perfect opportunity for both of you to finally have that conversation with Michael and Athena. Don't let this chance slip away."

Steven stepped in, adding his two cents, "I mean, it seems to me like the four of you have been avoiding these conversations like the plague. You can't keep walking on eggshells around each other. Something has to give. After everything that has happened, did you really expect Michael and Athena to be the ones to start this conversation?"

"What if it ends in a screaming match?" Nicole said with wide eyes.

"Then a screaming match it will be!" Katherine said firmly.

"Athena doesn't yell, so that's unlikely, Nicole," Steven said.

"What do you mean, she doesn't yell?" Nicole asked in confusion. 

"Athena doesn't have a confrontational bone in her body, Nicole," Steven explained patiently, "She's always been the peacemaker of the family. She says yelling is pointless."

"I still can't believe we witnessed that show in Italy!" They all heard as a car door slammed shut.

"That was insane! I'm just glad he got out before it was too late!" Michael's voice said from outside the door.

Katherine got up, clearly about to answer the door, but Joseph stopped her, "Wait!" he said as he put his hand on her arm, "Maybe we should pretend we're not home!"

"Joseph!" Katherine scolded.

"No, he's right! Let's pretend we're not here!" Nicole said nervously.

But before anyone could react, the front door swung open, revealing a surprised Michael and Athena standing on the threshold. Their eyes widened in confusion at the sight of each of their parents gathered in the living room like a parent hangout.

"Surprise!" Katherine exclaimed, a nervous smile on her face as she tried to diffuse the tension.

Athena raised an eyebrow, her gaze shifting from her mother to her father, "What's going on?" she asked, her voice calm but tinged with suspicion.

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