Chapter 174-This Is It Rehearsal

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JUNE 24th, 2009

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JUNE 24th, 2009

Today was rehearsals for the 'This Is It' Tour. Everyone who had been chosen to tour with the married Entertainment Industry power couple, Michael Jackson and Athena Tyler, was excited and bouncing in their seats.

Michael was walking by when Aaron, one of the new backup dancers, walked by, "Hi, Mr. Jackson!"

"Hi, Aaron. Everything okay?"

Truth be told, Aaron had something on his mind. He had been admiring Athena from a distance. But it wasn't because he was trying to be creepy or he was interested in her romantically. She was married to Michael, he respected that, as he was in a relationship of his own. Aaron's admiration was because he had always been a fan of hers ever since she and her sisters were in Sorelle and now that he was being given the opportunity to work with her, he was star-struck, to say the least.

"Permission to speak freely?" Aaron requested after a long pause of hesitation in answering Michael's question.

"Of course," Michael nodded, an assuring smile on his face, "This is a safe space. We're all a tour family here."

"Okay, it's about Miss Tyler," Aaron said as he sat down on the edge of the stage, "Don't take it the wrong way though, because I'm speaking as a fan."

Michael nodded in understanding, "Okay, go on. I'm all ears."

"I've admired Athena since her Sorelle days. I've been following her career. And I was ecstatic when I found out that you two were together," Aaron started, "It's incredible to see you both in action, the power couple of the music industry, creating magic together on stage," he continued, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "But, Mr. Jackson, there's something about Athena that goes beyond her talent. It's her presence. She has this aura around her that captivates everyone around her. It's like she has this inner light that shines so brightly, you can't help but be drawn to it." he paused, unsure if he was making any sense, "I mean, she's beautiful, she's talented, she's intelligent. Did you know her IQ is 181?!" he said excitedly, "When I found out about this, I was bouncing off the walls for hours! That's genius-level IQ! And how she's a major philanthropist? That's another thing that made me want to follow her career!"

Michael listened intently to Aaron's heartfelt words, a warm smile playing on his lips. He could see the genuine admiration and respect in the young dancer's eyes as he spoke about Athena. Michael knew exactly what Aaron was trying to convey—the magnetic pull of his wife's charisma that transcended her talent and beauty.

"Athena is truly one of a kind," Michael replied, his voice filled with pride and adoration. "Her light shines not just on stage but in every aspect of her life. Her kindness, her intelligence, her generosity....they all contribute to that aura you mentioned."

Aaron nodded enthusiastically, grateful that Michael understood his sentiments, "Exactly! She's not just a performer, she's a role model. For a lot of people. The way she carries herself with grace and humility, despite all her success, is truly inspiring. And of course you also. The two of you seem to be the only icons that didn't let the fame get to their head...."

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