Chapter 146-Impatience Comes To Play

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"Don't stop," she urged him, her voice barely above a whisper

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"Don't stop," she urged him, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm not, baby girl," Michael whispered, "You're in control here."

Athena lay on her stomach, resting her head on his leg as she played the role of a silent observer. Her fingers gently massaged his lower abdomen.

"Don't come until I tell you to," she requested sweetly as she spit on his shaft again, her saliva dripping down his length.

He nodded, still stroking himself, his eyes never leaving hers. Athena felt a rush of arousal at his obedience, and she wanted more, "Come here," she whispered.

Michael leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, his tongue probing her mouth as he continued to stroke himself.

Athena moaned into his mouth, feeling the intensity of their connection. As she felt her desire building again, she felt a surge of intense affection for the man next to her, "I love you."

Michael pulled away from her lips, his eyes glinting with desire, "I love you too, baby." He kissed her again, this time more urgently, his lips demanding entrance.

Athena's hands slid down and started unbuttoning his shirt, "It's hot in here, don't you think?"

"Mhm," Michael murmured against her lips, "Take it off, baby."

Athena complied, eager to get him out of his clothes. She pulled his shirt off, revealing his toned chest—she traced her fingers over his muscles, feeling his warm skin.

"Beautiful, just like everything else," she whispered, leaning in to kiss his neck, "I think the Google definition for 'perfection' should be 'Michael Jackson'."

Michael chuckled softly, his breath hot on her neck, "Well, baby, the feeling is mutual. You're a goddess in my eyes."

Athena smiled fondly and snuggled into his side, "Cuddle," she traced her fingers down his chest, feeling the muscles ripple under her touch.

Michael shuddered, his eyes closing as he felt her fingers explore his body, "Of course, baby," he murmured, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close as his other hand continued stroking himself, still locked in her gaze, "Fuck. Baby, when can I come? And why am I naked while you still have all your clothes on?" he asked, his voice thick with desire after he noticed she had her panties back on.

Athena chuckled softly, her fingers still tracing the lines of his body, "Your shirt stays off until I say otherwise."

Michael groaned, a mix of frustration and pleasure coloring his voice, "As you wish, baby."

Athena looked up at him, her eyes filled with desire, "It's interesting the way you oblige to anything I ask, Michael."

"Interesting?" Michael chuckled, "Surprisingly, yes." He adjusted himself, watching her intently, "But I'm more than obliged. You're my everything, Athena. I'd do anything for you, baby."

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