Chapter 141-Dance Rehearsal Interrupted

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FEBRUARY 11th, 1997

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FEBRUARY 11th, 1997

When morning came, Athena and Michael got ready for the day—barely interacting with each other, because of the hustle and bustle of having such a busy morning.

They headed to the venue for Michael's soundcheck, each lost in their own thoughts and responsibilities. Athena's mind, however, kept drifting back to the message she had almost sent the night before.

The lyrics, a subtle yet unmistakable hint at her desires, hung between them like a silent question waiting to be answered. She couldn't help but wonder if Michael would understand the meaning behind her choice of words; if he would see beyond the surface and truly grasp the depths of her yearning.

As they arrived at the venue and made their way backstage, Athena noticed a tension in the air that seemed to mirror the unease she had been feeling since Charlie brought up the crew's inappropriate comments. It was as if a storm was brewing just beneath the surface, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash its fury.

During soundcheck, as Michael belted out his latest hit with passion and skill, Athena observed him closely, her heart swelling with pride once again. But beneath that pride lay a longing that refused to be silenced.

As the soundcheck came to an end, Athena made a split-second decision. She had to quench the longing she had somehow without bothering her husband so she called for a dance rehearsal, under the guise of switching people around to change things up, "Okay, dancers, come with me."

They all followed her without question, never passing up the opportunity to work with her. They all looked at her as a mentor, someone that they respected deeply. As they gathered on the empty stage, Athena took a deep breath and signaled for the music to start. The dancers watched her intently, their movements fluid and precise as she guided them through a routine that seemed to flow effortlessly from her being.

With each step, each graceful movement, Athena poured her pent-up emotions into the dance, letting the music carry her away to a place of freedom and release. The dancers followed her lead, mirroring her every motion with a synchronicity that spoke of hours of practice and a deep connection forged through movement.

"Alan, make sure you keep your feet pointed," Athena said after setting her phone down and standing next to him to demonstrate the dance.

Meanwhile, in Michael's dressing room, his phone went off with a text message.

One thing in life
You must understand
The truth of lust
Woman to man

So open the door
And you will see
There are no secrets
Make your move
Set me free

Michael's heart skipped a beat as he read the message, his mind racing to decipher its meaning. The lyrics struck a chord within him, awakening a dormant desire that he had pushed aside in the midst of his chaotic schedule. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Athena's subtle hint held a deeper significance, a plea for connection that resonated with his own yearning for intimacy.

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