Chapter 154-Cheryl Portor's Dream Comes True

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A few weeks later, Cheryl pulled up outside the gates of Neverland in her car

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A few weeks later, Cheryl pulled up outside the gates of Neverland in her car. She pulled out her phone to check what time Athena said she would be coming outside. The two women had been coordinating details for the last month or so, making sure they were both on the same page.

Cheryl jumped upon hearing the passenger door slam shut, looking up only to see Athena Tyler herself sitting right next to her, "Surprise!"

"AHHH!" Cheryl screamed, clutching her heart, "Where did you come from?!"

"Well, I'm originally from Texas, but..." 

"Oh my Gosh!" Cheryl squealed again before pulling Athena into a big hug.

"It's so nice to meet you," Athena smiled as she returned the hug, "We should go before security realizes I slipped passed them again."

Cheryl nodded and started the car again, driving away from Neverland's gates. Once they were out of sight, she couldn't help but ask, "So you sneak passed them all the time, girl?"

"Eh," Athena shrugged with a laugh, "I like to scare them once in a while."

"Well, you definitely scared me back there!" Cheryl chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief, "So, where are we headed?" she asked eagerly.

"Anywhere," Athena said, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "I'm expecting a call from Michael at some point for disappearing like this!" she laughed.

"You like to scare him too?!" Cheryl giggled.

Athena chuckled mischievously as she replied, "Oh, Michael's used to my disappearing acts by now. Keeps him on his toes!"

The two women laughed together as they drove down the open road, enjoying the freedom of the moment. As the wind tousled their hair and the sun began to set in the distance, Athena's phone rang, signaling Michael's call.

With a grin, she answered, knowing that her husband would be both exasperated and amused by her latest vanishing act.

"Hello?" Athena greeted Michael cheerfully.

Michael's voice came through the phone with a mix of concern and amusement and annoyance, "Where on earth have you disappeared to this time, baby? You know security is going crazy looking for you."

"Um...." Athena said with an 'oops!' face at Cheryl, "I don't know!" she replied, trying to contain her laughter.

"Don't give me that, Athena," Michael chided playfully, "You know you can't just disappear like that. It worries me."

Athena glanced over at Cheryl, who was trying hard not to burst into laughter at the playful scolding happening on the other end of the call, "Mikey?" she said sweetly in her most innocent voice, "Baby?"

Michael sighed on the other end of the line, knowing all too well the effect Athena's playful innocence had on him, "Yes, baby?"

Athena's eyes twinkled mischievously as she turned to Cheryl and winked before replying, "I love you."

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