Chapter 181-This Is A Life Changer

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JULY 20th, 2009

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JULY 20th, 2009

Meanwhile, in Athena's office, Janet and LaToya were pacing in front of her.

"There has to be a reason Athena keeps getting dizzy!" LaToya exclaimed.

Janet nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed with concern, "I've noticed it too. She's been pale and exhausted lately."

Athena chuckled at their worried expressions, trying to ease their concerns, "I'm sure it's just stress. You know how busy things have been around here."

LaToya shook her head, a determined glint in her eye, "No, it's more than that. We're going to get to the bottom of this."

Janet pulled out a chair for Athena, urging her to sit down, "We need to figure out what's going on before it gets worse."

And so Janet and LaToya pulled out their laptops and started doing some heavy research, all the while Athena sat there protesting and insisting she was fine.

"Guys, as much as I'm touched by your concern," Athena paused, "I'm fine. We don't need to search the bowls of the internet for answers to a problem that can be solved with....a nap or water."

Janet and LaToya exchanged a knowing look before turning back to Athena with determined expressions.

"We're not taking any chances," Janet stated firmly, "We're going to figure this out, one way or another."

Athena sighed in defeat, knowing there was no arguing with her sister-in-laws when they were set on a mission. She leaned back in her chair as they continued their research, a small smile playing on her lips at their unwavering determination to look out for her well-being.

After what felt like hours of searching through medical websites and forums, Janet suddenly gasped, her eyes widening in realization, "I think I found something," she said, excitement lacing her voice as she turned the laptop screen for Athena and LaToya to see.

LaToya leaned in closer, scanning the information on the screen before her eyes widened in surprise, "Could it be.....?" she trailed off.

In the living room, Michael was sitting with a contemplative expression on his face, "What could my sisters possibly want with Athena?" he asked.

Bill shrugged, "No idea, boss. Maybe they just needed some girl time."

Jerome nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing serious. They'll probably be back soon."

But Quincy, ever the observant one, furrowed his brow in thought, "I don't know, something seems off," he said slowly, his eyes drifting to the door through which the women had left.

Michael's concern grew at Quincy's words, his instincts kicking in as he stood up abruptly, "I'm going to check on them," he declared, heading towards Athena's office with quick strides.

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