Chapter 6-Soul Train Awards

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Soul Train Awards—April 13, 1989

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Soul Train Awards—April 13, 1989

"Hello, everyone! And welcome to the 1989 Soul Train Awards. There are many people nominated tonight so we're in for a good ride." the host of the show said as he looked into the camera, "I see so many people here tonight that I am looking forward to speaking to. Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna, Bon Jovi, Prince, and many others. Oh, there's the Jackson 5! And I think I saw Sorelle in here somewhere! Any of you ladies want to have a drink with me? No? Okay, anyway—here is the Jackson 5 to present the nominees and winner for 'Favorite Pop Girlband' of 1989!"

Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, Jackie, and Michael walked onto the stage, laughing and joking as brothers do, until they get to the podium.

"Good evening, everyone." Jermaine started, "We're so happy to be here tonight."

"To present the nominees for 'Favorite Pop Girlband' of 1989."

"The nominees are...." Marlon pauses, looking at the card they had been given, "The Bangles."


"En Vogue."


"And finally, the Indigo Girls."

"And the winner is...." Jackie says, ripping open the envelope with the name of the winner inside of it, pulling the card out, "Sorelle!"

As soon as he hears the name, Michael's head immediately pops up from staring at the floor and scans the room for a certain raven haired woman.

Four women, three blonde, one brunette, come onto the stage, clearly all a mess—one of them nearly tripping on their way up the stairs to get to the group of men. Eventually they get themselves together and manage to look professional—Reggie, Renae, Reagan, and Riley walking towards the Jacksons, greeting all of them with a brief hug.

"Wow." Renae says into the microphone, "I can't believe this."

"Me neither," Reggie, the only other brunette in the band, says, "I am so very excited but we cannot accept this award without our sister! So, Athena, where are you?"

There's silence for a few minutes, besides the cheering from the audience to get the girl to come out, and the Jackson brothers keep looking around to help find her, even if four out of five of them didn't know what she looked like.

"I'm sorry, I was in the bathroom!" Athena says guiltily as she makes her way towards them as quick as she can, "Hi, Jacksons. It's nice to meet you."

Athena hugs all of the Jacksons, all of them kissing her on the cheek. Michael being last, he kisses her on the cheek and squeezes her waist before releasing her to her sisters.

"Do you want to start, Athena?" Renae asks as she looks at her youngest sister.

"No, how about I hold it and you guys talk," Athena says as she takes the award from Renaes hand—seeing how she seemed to be struggling with the mic and the heavy award at the same time—stepping back to the side to give them room, "This is how it's always been."

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