Chapter 164-Another Round of Musical Personal Belongings

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JANUARY 14th, 2002

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JANUARY 14th, 2002

The Jacksons, The Tylers, and The Maddens were all out for dinner.

The Jacksons—Katherine and Joseph, matriarch and patriarch of the family. Rebbie, LaToya, Janet, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Michael, and Randy.

The Tylers—Steven, the father. Kayden, Austin, Noah, Lucas, Christopher, and Richard—and then Athena who is married to Michael. And Claire—Kayden's wife.

The Maddens—Nicole, Athena and Kayden's mother, and Riley, Reagan, Renae, Reggie, and Rachel, who are Athena's half-sisters. Along with their husbands, Greg was married to Riley, John was married to Reagan, Craig was married to Renae, Adam was married to Reggie, and Robert was married to Rachel.

The restaurant was bustling with chatter and clinking of glasses as the extended family settled into their seats. Athena caught Michael's eye and smiled, feeling a surge of happiness at being surrounded by her loved ones.

Adam, who was Reggie's husband, was faking smiles, continuously looking at his wife in guilt—after seeing everyone laughing and mingling, he decided to disappear under the table for some time to think.

Greg, who was Riley's husband, raised an eyebrow in surprise as he watched his friend disappear under the white tablecloth.

He excused himself quietly and followed Adam as he slipped under the table. The dimly lit space under the table felt isolated and strange, but Greg's concern for his friend pushed away any discomfort.

"Adam, what's going on?" Greg whispered, crouching down to meet his eye.

Tears glistened in Adam's eyes as he finally let out a shaky breath, "I....I can't tell you. It's too embarrassing."

Greg sighed and kicked his leg out to the side, kicking one of the guys, Robert, who was married to Rachel, "Get down here!"

Robert shot Greg a confused look but slid under the table, joining them in the secluded space, "What's happening here?" he asked in a hushed tone, his eyes scanning Adam's distressed expression.

"Oh, nothing," Adam said, wiping his face in haste as he hoped they wouldn't notice his tears, "Just needed a breather. You know, it's just pretty loud up there with everyone talking about so many different things."

Robert and Greg exchanged a look before Robert kicked another guy, "Get down here!"

John, Reagan's husband, raised an eyebrow at the summon and slipped under the table, his curiosity piqued by the strange gathering beneath the linen. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of Adam's tear-streaked face, "What's going on here?" John whispered, his concern evident in his voice.

When all they were met with was silence, Robert sighed, "Okay, kick another person! Or start grabbing feet!"

Craig, Renae's husband, felt a tap on his foot and glanced around in confusion before realizing he was being summoned. With a quizzical expression, he knelt down and joined the group under the table. The dim light cast shadows on their worried faces as they all turned towards Adam, waiting for an explanation.

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