Chapter 54-Family Mediation

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The Madden sisters—Riley, Reagan, Renae, Rachel, and Reggie—were all gathered together

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The Madden sisters—Riley, Reagan, Renae, Rachel, and Reggie—were all gathered together. Reggie was currently arguing with her husband, Adam. They decided to take a miniature break from each other, so they were not on speaking terms. Reggie didn't know if she should let Adam sweat this fight out or if she should crack first.

Athena was somewhere in the arena with her fiancé—so the girls were waiting for the right opportunity to cut them off and drag them into this conversation—the heated debate over whether Reggie or Adam should crack first.

Meanwhile, Adam was on the other side of the arena having a hushed discussion with the Madden sister's husbands—Greg, Josh, Freddie, and John—about why he thought he was right and why he thought Reggie needed to crack first.

"Look, fellas, Reggie needs to see that she's overreacting," Adam muttered, his brow furrowed in frustration. "I just need her to admit she was wrong this time."

John, Greg, Freddie, and Josh exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond. They knew better than to get in the middle of a Madden sister feud.

"Honestly, I think it's totally healthy to take turns cracking first," John said.

"I see what you're saying, but Reggie can be pretty stubborn," Josh chimed in. "Maybe it's better if you just apologize first and end this cold war."

"But then she'd be getting exactly what she wants!" Greg added.

Meanwhile, on the ladies side of this, half of them were trying to convince Reggie not to crack first while the other half of the sisters were telling her the opposite.

Athena and Michael walked in, oblivious to the drama that was unfolding around them—but when Athena saw her sisters huddled together as if planning a crime, she widened her eyes and tugged Michael in the opposite direction.

But before they could fully escape, Renae spotted them, "Hey! You two! Get back here!"

Athena shot a panicked look at Michael, who grinned mischievously. "Looks like we've been caught," he said, squeezing Athena's hand before turning back to face the Maddens.

Athena tugged on his hand and as soon as he looked at her, she shook her head as if to say 'No!'.

Renae's determined stride closed the distance between them quickly, her blue eyes flashing with mischief, "You can't escape the Madden sisters that easily, Athena," she said with a sly grin. The other sisters trailed behind her, their earlier argument momentarily forgotten in the face of catching Athena and Michael.

Reggie, sensing a welcome distraction from her ongoing standoff with Adam, smirked and chimed in, "Where are you two sneaking off to? Trying to avoid taking sides in our little dispute?" She raised an eyebrow at Athena, who was desperately trying to think of an excuse.

Michael stepped in smoothly, his charm turned up to full wattage. "No running away from family drama, right, baby?" he said with a wink at Athena. 

"That's exactly what I was doing," Athena scoffed, tugging on Michael's hand again.

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