Chapter 55-The Big Idea

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Athena stood at the front of the room, a nervous but determined energy emanating from her. She had called Janet, LaToya, and Rebbie—asking them to all come to her mansion in Los Angeles, since they would all be in the area anyway for meetings.

"Hello, ladies," Athena smiled as she invited them inside, "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," Janet grinned as she made herself comfortable on the couch.

"Anytime, Hena," Rebbie added.

"I'll gladly come to your house any time!" LaToya laughed as she and Rebbie sat down next to Janet on either side of her.

Athena took a deep breath, her heart pounding with anticipation. She knew this decision could potentially change the dynamics of her relationships with her sisters-in-law—so as she sat down across from them, she braced herself for the upcoming discussion, "So as you all know, Michael and I are engaged."

"And we're thrilled for you!" Janet exclaimed, beaming at Athena.

"We couldn't be happier to welcome you officially into the Jackson family," Rebbie added, her smile warm and genuine.

LaToya reached over to squeeze Athena's hand gently. "You've always been a part of the family in our hearts, Hena. We love you."

Athena felt a wave of gratitude wash over her at their words. Taking a moment to compose herself, she continued, "I've been struggling with choosing a Maid of Honor because I value each of you so much. But then I had an idea that might sound a bit unconventional..." she said, "Now I know Rebbie doesn't like the spotlight, so I was wondering if Janet and LaToya would be willing to of Honor?"

Janet and LaToya exchanged surprised glances, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement. Rebbie smiled warmly, understanding Athena's consideration for her preferences.

"That's a wonderful idea, Hena," Janet said, breaking the brief silence. "I'd be honored to share the role with LaToya. It'll be a great way for the three of us to work together and support you on your special day."

LaToya nodded in agreement, her smile infectious. "Absolutely! We'll make sure everything runs smoothly and that you have the most magical wedding day."

Athena's eyes shimmered with relief and gratitude as she felt the weight lifted off her shoulders. "Thank you, both of you. I couldn't imagine having anyone else by my side as I marry Michael." she smiled, "Now Rebbie, how would you feel about being a Bridesmaid?"

Rebbie's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "I would be honored, Athena. Thank you for including me in your special day," she said, a genuine warmth in her voice, "And thank you for considering my preference to not be in the spotlight. Being a Bridesmaid is perfect for me."

"We need to plan the bachelorette party!" Janet exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I say we go all out and have a girls' trip and go to another country!"

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