Chapter 156-Reconnection At Last

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OCTOBER 11th, 1999

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OCTOBER 11th, 1999

Athena was sitting on the couch reading Shakespeare, while Michael sat next across from her, admiring her, watching her, a soft smile playing on his lips. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, only broken by the occasional rustle of pages as Athena turned them.

She glanced up from her book, meeting Michael's gaze with a curious expression, "You're awfully quiet over there, Mikey. What's on your mind?" she asked, setting the book aside and giving him her full attention.

Michael reached out to take her hand, his eyes warm and earnest, "I was just thinking.....when are you going to let me hear your album?"

"It's not done yet," Athena said, biting her lip as she looked away from his gaze.

"Is there a reason you don't want me to hear it?"

"There may be a few....I guess you could say.....spicy, songs on there," Athena muttered.

Michael raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Spicy songs, huh? Now I'm even more intrigued. Are you worried I won't be able to handle your newfound wild side?" he teased, squeezing her hand gently.

"It's not's just.....things you wouldn't expect to hear me say," Athena shrugged, "That's all."

Michael chuckled, his eyes filled with adoration as he pulled Athena closer, "Athena, my love, there isn't a single part of you that I couldn't handle. I fell in love with your raw honesty and your unwavering passion. Whatever songs you've written, whatever stories you're sharing, I want to hear them all because they are a part of you. And every part of you is what I cherish the most," he said softly, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.

Athena pursed her lips before pulling her songbook out from where she was hiding it under the throw pillow, "Don't say I didn't warn you," she sighed as she handed over the book to his eager hands.

Michael took the songbook with a grin, his eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. Flipping through the pages, he recognized Athena's handwriting and the familiar flow of her lyrics.

"I see what you mean by 'spicy'," Michael said with a small smirk before he bit his lip, "Baby, is this you trying to tell me something?"

"Not really," Athena casually shrugged, pressing her lips to his and running her hand down his chest before it landed 'accidentally' on his groin.

"Baby, remember you were assaulted in New York a year ago," Michael gently reminded, his breathing getting slightly heavier at the feel of her hand on him, "Are you sure—?"

"Mikey," Athena whispered, "Please. I need you."

Michael hesitated for a moment, conflicted between his desire to please Athena and his concern for her well-being. But as he looked into her eyes, full of longing and vulnerability, all doubts faded away. He leaned in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, his hands tenderly cradling her face.

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