Chapter 65-Cosmetologist Challenge

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August 29, 1992

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August 29, 1992

Meanwhile, at Athena's house, Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya had yet to wake up. As Athena sat at the bay window in the kitchen, reading a book—content and calmer than anyone else would be today—she patiently waited for them to wake from their slumber. Most brides would be the ones that barge in and demand her Bridal party wake up, but Athena was perfectly content allowing them to come to on their own.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya stumbled into the kitchen one by one, their hair tousled and eyes still heavy with sleep.

Athena looked up from her book, a serene smile gracing her lips as she took in the sight of her soon-to-be sisters-in-law, "Good morning, lazybones," she teased affectionately, "I hope you're all well-rested because we have a busy day ahead of us."

Janet yawned and stretched, her voice laced with grogginess, "What time is it? Are we late for something?"

Rebbie rubbed her eyes and joined Athena by the window, peering outside at the trees and flowers, "No, we're right on schedule," she reassured them, "Athena has everything planned down to the minute."

LaToya perked up at the mention of a schedule, "Let's get this party started then! I need a shower to wake me up. Janet, you get the coffee going! Rebbie, can you set out the breakfast pastries? Athena, what's the plan for today?"

"I made breakfast," Athena said as she gestured to the kitchen counter, "And the coffee is brewed too."

Janet and LaToya exchanged surprised glances at Athena's organized and thoughtful preparations. They were used to a more chaotic and last-minute approach to things, especially when it came to important events.

Rebbie, however, seemed unsurprised by Athena's efficiency, "Of course you did," she said with a small smile, as she looked at the breakfast spread of pancakes, waffles, bacon, fruit, and fresh pastries, "You always think of everything."

Athena blushed slightly at the praise, grateful for the acceptance and warmth she had found within Michael's family. As they all gathered around the table, sharing a meal filled with laughter and anticipation, Athena couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude for these women who were not just her soon-to-be sisters-in-law but also her friends.

After breakfast, they moved to the living room where Athena had set up a makeshift salon station with all the necessary tools for hair and makeup.

LaToya immediately claimed the seat in front of the mirror, "Do you have someone coming for hair and makeup?"

"My cosmetologist from when I was in Sorelle is coming," Athena shrugged, "She didn't want to miss my wedding and offered to help. Her name is Amelia."

Amelia arrived just in time as Athena finished explaining the plan for the day. She breezed into the room with her kit in hand, a bright smile on her face that instantly put everyone at ease.

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