Chapter 182-We Are The World 25: Part 1

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JULY 23rd, 2009

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JULY 23rd, 2009

"Quincy, Lionel, Michael," Athena said as she opened a door to a room where all of them were sitting inside, "We need to have a meeting about We Are The World 25," she said before walking away.

Quincy, Lionel, and Michael exchanged curious glances, wondering what had prompted the sudden meeting. They followed Athena into the other room, finding her standing by a table covered in papers and notes related to the 'We Are The World 25' project.

Athena took a deep breath before turning to face them, her expression serious, "As you all know, 'We Are The World' is an iconic song that brought people together—us included—for a cause greater than themselves. With the 25th anniversary approaching, we have an opportunity to make a significant impact once again."

Michael's eyes lit up with enthusiasm at the mention of the legendary song. He had been a part of the original recording and knew firsthand the power it held, "What do you have in mind, baby?" he asked, eager to hear her plans.

Athena gestured to the papers on the table, "It's not necessarily what I have in mind but what LL Cool J,, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, and Swizz Beatz have in mind."

The men exchanged surprised glances, intrigued by the names Athena had mentioned.

Quincy leaned forward, his interest piqued, "What's their plan?"

"Well.....they want to add a rap to the song," Athena said with a raised eyebrow.

"A rap?" Lionel said with wide eyes.

"There was no rapping on the original!" Michael exclaimed.

"Oh, God! Now I have to deal with rappers? Ugh!" Quincy groaned.

Athena chuckled softly at their reactions, knowing that introducing rap to such a classic song would be met with resistance. However, in her mind, she knew that these men—mostly Lionel and Michael—should get the final say, as they were the two who originally wrote the song.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know," Athena paused, "Which is why I haven't given them an answer yet," she continued, "Being that Michael and Lionel are the ones who originally wrote the song in 1985, I figured it was best to leave this decision up to them."

Michael wrapped his arms around Athena from behind, his hands resting on her stomach almost as if trying to feel the baby inside her despite her not being that far along, "How's our baby?" he whispered in her ear.

"Well, my feet hurt, but the baby is fine," Athena shrugged.

Michael heard Athena's attempt at humor, but he also sensed the underlying tiredness and discomfort in her voice. With a loving smile, he sat down in one of the chairs and motioned for Athena to take a seat on his lap.

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