Chapter 115-The Real Daytime

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On Set of 'The Real Daytime'—5:00 AM

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On Set of 'The Real Daytime'—5:00 AM

Reggie, Tamar, Jeannie, Loni, and Adrienne eagerly awaited the arrival of Reggie's sister, Athena who was guest hosting today.

As the women all gathered in the hallway, Jeannie spoke up, "Reggie, what's Athena's like? Is she like all those other diva celebs that come in with a full thirty people entourage?"

"Okay, she may or may not have an entourage, but it's nowhere near thirty people," Reggie said, shaking her head, "I think she only has three guys for makeup, hair, and clothes."

"I got here early because I didn't want to make a bad impression," Adrienne said nervously, "She's like....the top singer in the world, despite not having a solo album. This is huge for her to be here today!"

"I promise you, ladies," Reggie assured, "Athena is not scary. You could hug her all you want, she won't have her security tackle you!"

"You know what I heard?" Loni jumped in, "I heard she's married to Michael Jackson!"

"There's no way!" Tamar shook her head.

Jeannie furrowed her eyebrows, "What?!"

"I can confirm that rumor is true," Reggie nodded, "She's been married to him for three years. Or just about three years," she paused, "Did you guys not watch the Oprah Interview in 1993? Or the Diane Sawyer interview a few months ago?"

"Oh, my God! Are you serious?" Adrienne gasped, "I can't believe we're about to meet the Queen of Pop herself!"

Loni, being the comedian she is, started joking about how much money Michael and Athena must have between them, "And can you imagine what their house looks like? Probably has a gold-plated toilet or something!"

"I have to say, Neverland is pretty fancy," Reggie agreed, "I've been there a few times."

Tamar gave a flabbergasted expression, "You mean to tell me that you have Michael Jackson as your brother-in-law and you don't casually mention it every chance you get?"

Loni laughed, "If I were married to that man—with all that money, I would make sure everyone and their mama knew it!"

"Okay, just remember ladies—this is still my little sister," Reggie reminded, "We have to treat her like family. No fangirling, no bombarding her with questions, and definitely no asking for Michael's phone number," Reggie chuckled.

"Do you have his phone number?" Adrianne asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I have the house number, but not his personal phone number," Reggie said, "And yes, my husband has Athena's phone number because they know I get myself into trouble when I go drinking with your guys."

The doors at the end of the hall opened, and two men in all black and sunglasses came inside, followed by three other men dressed in Gucci suits and colorful flair, followed by a woman with long black hair, dressed in a golden top, with partially sheer material and leather pants, aviator sunglasses perched on her nose.

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