Chapter 40-Excessive Force

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Everyone's jaw dropped at what had just happened, meanwhile, security jumped into action as they tackled Kayden to the floor

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Everyone's jaw dropped at what had just happened, meanwhile, security jumped into action as they tackled Kayden to the floor.

"Enough!" Athena's voice was sharp as she abruptly stood up, "The three of you had no right breaking in here uninvited. Then you proceed to aggressively yell at me and at Michael, who owns this place. Then my own brother hits me. Now, I know I don't have the authority to kick anyone out of here," she paused looking over at Michael, "But I wouldn't mind if you did."

Michael gazed at the chaotic scene unfolding before him, his brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and frustration, "Enough is enough," Michael declared, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. "Firstly, you all barge into my house unannounced with wild accusations. Then, physical violence breaks out in my living room? I will not tolerate this behavior any longer." Turning to Kayden, his tone hardened slightly, despite them being friends, "I understand you're worried about your wife, but resorting to violence is not the answer. Athena was here, with me, for the last week. She hasn't left once."

"I told you, I was with Michael," Athena said with a blank look on her face, "I don't want to see you right now."

The phone suddenly rang and Bill went over to answer it, "Hello? Yes, she's here. Sure, hold on." he paused, "Miss Tyler, it's for you. Your father."

Kayden's eyes widened, knowing that their father would not be happy to hear that he had struck his own sister.

Athena's expression shifted as she took the call, her features softening with each word spoken by her father. When the conversation ended, she turned to face Kayden with an unreadable look in her eyes.

"Dad wants to talk to you," Athena said quietly, holding out the phone to Kayden.

Kayden hesitated, the weight of his actions settling heavily on his shoulders. With a deep breath, he took the phone from Athena and brought it to his ear.

"Dad?" Kayden spoke tentatively into the receiver.

There was a moment of silence before their father's voice boomed through the line. "Kayden. What is this I hear about you causing a scene at Michael's house?"

Kayden's throat felt dry as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself. "I...I thought Claire was missing, Dad. I was just trying to find her."

Steven's tone softened slightly. "I understand your concern for your wife. But you can't just burst into people's houses unannounced."

Kayden listened intently, feeling the weight of his father's disappointment pressing down on him. He glanced over at Athena, who was sitting quietly, her gaze fixed on a spot on the floor as she pulled Michael's arm around her.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Kayden said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was just worried about Claire, and I wasn't thinking straight."

Steven's voice was stern but not unkind. "I understand, Kayden. But you have to learn to control your emotions and think before you act. I taught you better than this. You can't let your fear and worry get the best of you."

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