Chapter 178-Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center

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"Okay, so the good news is, we got her stabilized," Dr. Smith said gently, "The bad news is she is now in a coma because of the severe trauma she endured. We managed to stop the bleeding and performed emergency surgery to repair the damage from the stab wound, but it will be a waiting game. It's up to her now."

Another doctor came over, "Hi, I'm Dr. Asher. This is a mandatory question we ask all families of people in comas or on life support. Do you want us to pull the plug?"

"John!" Dr. Smith glared, "You can't—you know what? Just go take a nap or something. I can't with you right now!"

Dr. Asher blinked in surprise, "Sorry, Dr. Smith, but we have to ask—"

"No, just stop. I've known this girl her whole life," Dr. Smith rolled his eyes, "I already know what Michael is going to say. And just to prove my point—Michael, what do you want us to do?"

"That woman is not leaving this earth unless she's brain-dead!" Michael said firmly as he glared at Dr. Asher, "Keep it plugged in, you fool! What are you thinking? This isn't your decision to make!" he huffed before turning to the doctor he trusted, "Dr. Smith, please tell me you're Athena's main doctor, instead of this incompetent fool."

"Of course I am," Dr. Smith nodded in assurance, "You think I'd trust any of these quacks with Athena's life? No, I've got this."

"Um....Dr. Smith?" one of the nurses came up, "Miss Tyler is.....well, she's already awake."

As the nurses' words sunk in, a wave of relief washed over the gathered group. Michael's heart raced with a mixture of hope and fear as he turned to Dr. Smith, eager for confirmation.

Dr. Smith nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "Let's go see her," he said, leading the way to where Athena was being kept.

As they entered the room, they found Athena sitting crisscross in bed, fully awake. She looked around, confusion evident in her gaze until it settled on Michael.

A flicker of recognition crossed her face, followed by a weak smile, "Michael," she whispered hoarsely, reaching out a trembling hand towards him.

Tears welled up in Michael's eyes as he took her hand gently in his own, "Athena, you're awake," he said, his voice filled with relief.

The rest of the group crowded around her bed, expressions of joy and relief on their faces.

Reggie threw her arms around Athena, crying tears of happiness as she hugged her tightly. Richard let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and moved closer to his little sister, a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. Lucas patted Athena's shoulder, a small smile playing on his lips. Christopher stood back, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, but the worry lines on his face easing up at the sight of Athena awake and aware. Austin stopped pacing and let out a shaky laugh, wiping away a tear that escaped him. Noah simply stared in disbelief, a mix of guilt and relief washing over him.

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