Chapter 86-The Dynamic Duo

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"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Morris exclaimed, whirling around and forcing Jerome with him

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"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Morris exclaimed, whirling around and forcing Jerome with him.

Lizzo grinned mischievously, the handcuffs glinting in the dim light of the jet, "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but it looks like we're all in this together now," she said playfully, a twinkle in her eye as she handcuffed herself to them, forming a chain of linked arms.

"What in the world is going on?!" Jerome exclaimed, trying to free himself from the unexpected restraint.

Lizzo laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "We're in this together now, gentlemen. No turning back," she declared, her tone full of determination and excitement.

Morris chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, shaking his head in amusement, "Well, I guess we're all just along for the ride now. So where to next, Lizzo?"

"I'm about to handcuff Athena Tyler and Michael Jackson to all of us!"

Jerome and Morris exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process what had just been said to them, "What?!"

"How exactly do you plan on handcuffing two of the industries most popular icons to this chain of limbs?" Morris asked in disbelief.

"From what I know, Athena doesn't go down without a fight!" Jerome added, "And Michael has a whole security team!"

"Well, I met Athena once and she seemed nice enough!" Lizzo said, "We're just gonna kidnap them!"

Jerome and Morris exchanged horrified looks, "No way, Lizzo! We can't commit a crime like that! This is madness!" Morris protested, tugging at the handcuffs in a futile attempt to free himself from the chain.

Jerome nodded fervently, his eyes wide with disbelief, "Yeah, this is way too risky! We can't just go around kidnapping people, especially not Athena Tyler and Michael Jackson!"

The cab pulled up to the gates, where a security guard eyed Lizzo and the boys with suspicion, "What business do you have here?" he asked, his voice stern.

"Sorry, but this is important!" Lizzo exclaimed before bolting toward the main house, dragging Morris and Jerome with her. As they climbed up the steps, she knocked on the door, "Athena! Michael! Somebody answer the door!"

"I don't think they're home," Morris said after noting the lights in the house being off.

"Time to break an entering then," Lizzo smiled, uncuffing her companions before turning the handle on the door.

Jerome and Morris shook their heads in protest, only to be pulled into the dimly lit house.

"Woah! Lizzo, what are you doing?!" Morris hissed, trying to keep his voice low as they entered the dark house.

As the trio rounded the corner, they found Athena in the kitchen, standing on the countertop as she tried reaching for something on the top shelf.

Lizzo grinned as she cautiously approached the unsuspecting woman, "Athena!"

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