Chapter 159-New York Family Meeting

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It didn't take long for Katherine and Joseph to show up, along with Michael's siblings Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, Tito, Randy, Rebbie, LaToya, and Janet

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It didn't take long for Katherine and Joseph to show up, along with Michael's siblings Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, Tito, Randy, Rebbie, LaToya, and Janet.

"Michael, darling, is everything alright?" Katherine's voice was filled with warmth and concern as she walked inside and hugged her son.

"It's Athena and me...we had a huge fight," Michael confessed, the weight of his words heavy on his chest.

Katherine's tone turned serious as she listened intently to her son, "Oh, Michael...I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?"

Joseph was the last to walk in after his children, "Hey, son. What's happening?"

"Athena and I had a huge fight!" Michael exclaimed, "It all started a few months ago when I mentioned having Brittany Spears come on stage with me at the 30th Anniversary Celebration in a couple months! She's been sleeping apart from me and things have been rocky and tense and I barely see her, even at home! We're in New York for some work meetings and she just left for one after we've had probably the biggest blowup fight we've ever had!"

The Jackson siblings all looked at each other, shocked expressions on their faces.

Michael huffed as he continued ranting, "She hasn't been kissing me, she won't cuddle with me, she refuses to sleep in our bed, she stopped saying, 'I love you', she won't even let me touch her! We had the biggest fight and she threw the 'D' word in my face just before the elevator doors closed between us! I'm devastated, and I know I pushed her too far, but I can't bear the thought of losing her!"

Janet was the first to step forward, her expression a mix of concern and determination, "We can't let this fall apart, Michael. You two are meant to be together," she said firmly, her voice unwavering.

Jackie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we can't just stand by and watch this happen. We need to do something about it."

Jermaine looked at his siblings before turning to Michael, "We're here for you, Mike. Let's figure out a way to fix this."

Tito stepped forward, a thoughtful expression on his face, "Maybe we should try to talk to Athena separately. Get both sides of the story before jumping to conclusions."

Randy chimed in, "And we need to make sure she knows how much you love her, Michael. She needs to hear that from you."

"What's this with Brittany Spears?" Katherine asked in concern.

"Oh, yes!" Marlon nodded, "Let's address that first!"

"Brittany's management team contacted my team and asked if we could make it happen. And I said I would be willing to help her expand her career. But when I brought it up to Athena she said 'Yeah, good luck with that' Then proceeded to tell me to do whatever I want and that she had to go sign checks!"

"So she just brushed it off and walked away?" Joseph asked in confusion.

Michael took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts before continuing, "Yes, she did," he said, the frustration evident in his voice, "I know I should have discussed it with her before agreeing to anything, but I thought it would be a nice thing to do, to help build someone else's career. I didn't expect Athena's reaction to be so...cold."

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