Chapter 21-More Expectations

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As the following days approached, Athena was sitting in Neverland, debating over how she should bring up all of these topics to Michael

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As the following days approached, Athena was sitting in Neverland, debating over how she should bring up all of these topics to Michael. As the front door opened, she realized there were a lot of things they needed to discuss; Kayden and how he had gotten married to someone he didn't know, Reggie's wedding, and how Reggie wanted Athena and Michael to coordinate outfits.

"Hey, baby," Michael stated as he shut the door behind him.

"Mikey!" Athena sprung up in glee, more than happy to see him and she leaped into his arms, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist as she threw her arms around his neck.

"Someone missed me," Michael mused with a smile.

"I missed using you as a pillow," Athena shrugged, trying to make it seem like she was totally fine without him there.

"I'm going to take that as you missed me," Michael chuckled, squeezing her waist.

"Your security let me in," Athena said softly, refusing to be let down from his arms as she held onto him, "I'm sorry. I should've asked first."

"You never have to ask," Michael said sweetly, "You're always welcome here."


As Athena felt a sigh escape her lips, she slowly rose from the comfortable couch in Neverland. With a sense of urgency pulsing through her veins, she began to walk around the corner, her footsteps echoing softly against the hardwood floors. The faint sound of clicking keyboards filled the air as Athena's eyes darted around the room, taking in the sight of the cozy den. The warm glow of the table lamp cast a soft, amber light on the shelves filled with books and trinkets, creating a soothing ambiance in the room.

Feeling a combination of exhaustion and determination, Athena made her way to the kitchen, her footsteps faltering slightly as she reached for the coffee mugs lined up neatly on the counter. The enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, energizing her senses as she poured herself a strong cup. With a steaming mug in hand, she took a moment to savor the rich flavor, allowing the comforting warmth to course through her body, revitalizing her spirit as she contentedly held onto the hot mug in her hands.

As Athena returned to her designated spot on the couch, she couldn't help but feel a deep appreciation for the cozy sanctuary that Neverland, Michael's beautiful home, provided. The soft cushions enveloped her body, providing a haven of comfort and solace amidst the chaos of everyday life. Surrounded by the familiar scent of the vanilla-scented candle flickering on the coffee table and the gentle hum of the air conditioning, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, grounding her in the present moment.

With her laptop perched on her lap, Athena delved into the writing of the speech that awaited her attention. Each sentence she wrote felt like she was reconnecting to her old self, remembering all the memories of her bond with Reggie and the other girls. Their adventures on tour as Sorelle And many other things.

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