Chapter 87-In The Closet

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LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA—November 14, 1993

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LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA—November 14, 1993

"I can't believe the bride herself whisked us away for her wedding!" Athena laughed as Michael carried her back into the mansion at Neverland.

With a mischievous grin, Michael twirled Athena around, "Well, Lizzo does have a flair for the dramatic, doesn't she?" he teased.

Athena nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "That she does. But I have to admit, this is one wedding I won't be forgetting anytime soon," she giggled, "I wonder what they're doing on their honeymoon."

"Baby, we don't need to make guesses as to what they're doing on their honeymoon," Michael said with a mischievous smirk as he sat down on the couch with her in his lap, "You know they're staying awake well into the night with the bedroom door locked—"

"Michael! You can't say that!" Athena playfully scolded.

Michael let out a laugh, wrapping his arms around Athena, "Oh, come on, baby. We're adults here, we know what married couples do on their honeymoon," he teased, winking at her.

Athena swatted his arm playfully, shaking her head with a smile, "Fine, fine. I just hope they have the time of their lives together," she said sincerely.

As they sat together in the cozy living room of Neverland Ranch, Athena and Michael watched the sun dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the picturesque landscape.

SALTON SEA, CALIFORNIANovember 21st, 1993

Michael's music video for 'In The Closet' was set to film today and he was very excited. Not only because he was eager to work on his craft and create something special, but also because it was Athena's birthday and she was going to be in the video with him.

"Michael, are you sure you want me to do this?" Athena asked as they walked through the set holding hands, "Will people be uncomfortable with me here?"

"Well, one—you're my wife, so that gives you a free pass to be anywhere I am," Michael replied with a smile, "And if people have anything to say about it, they can file a complaint with the nonexistent complaint department."

"Um, Mr. Jackson, Miss Tyler, we have a problem," Jerome said in a frenzy as he ran up to the couple, "As I remember, Mr. Jackson, you canceled Naomi Campbell for this video shoot, but—"

Bill suddenly burst into the room, a panicked look in his eyes, "Naomi Campbell is here! Wasn't she fired?!"

"How exactly did she get in here is the question?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow as he squeezed Athena's hand in reassurance.

"I don't know but she's yelling about how she should be in the video!" Jerome exclaimed, "But as I remember, she was released from the plans!"

"Yeah, because Michael is married to Athena!" Bill huffed, "And the entire world knows it!"

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