Chapter 167-Cat Fight

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April 21st, 2002

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April 21st, 2002

Renae huffed, glaring at Riley, "You're a horrible sister!"

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Renae, now is not the time for your nonsense!" Riley snapped back, her eyes flashing with a mixture of fear and anger.

Rachel grumbled, "I am not surprised at all. You always ruin moments like these, Renae."

Renae rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking."

Reagan rolled her eyes, "Why do all of you have to cause more drama?"

"Me?! Look at them!" Renae defended, "All of you are horrible half-sisters, to both Athena and Kayden!"

"And you think you're any better?" Regan glared.  

Reggie groaned as she yelled, "All of you shut up! We're running out of time here!"

The tension in the room reached a boiling point as the sisters bickered, their voices rising in a cacophony of accusations and anger.

And then it escalated to physical violence—all five sisters swinging at each other. As the chaos unfolded, Michael stood frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend how the situation had escalated so rapidly. He watched in horror as his wife's sisters traded blows, their shouts of anger and frustration filling the room.

"I'm not getting involved," Michael shook his head, "I'm staying out of this," he added, holding his hands up in defense.

Marlon nodded in agreement, "The last time we tried to intervene, it only made things worse."

Jackie shuddered at the thought, his mind racing, as he spoke up, "That was a disaster."

Tito shook his head, "Yeah, I vote to no intervention on this fight. Who's with me?"

Lizzo raised her hand, "I'm staying out of it!"

Prince nodded, wrapping his arm around his wife, "Let them sort it out themselves. Our priority should be getting to the hospital to be with Kayden and Athena." 

It went on and on for about a half hour, and it only seemed to get more and more violent—they grappled, threw each other around, broke things, yelled, screamed, pulled each other's hair, and it seemed like there was no end in sight.

Claire abruptly stood up, a fire in her eyes, "Hey! Break it up, right now!" she yelled, "My husband is fighting for his life—and all of you are acting like children! This is not the time nor the place for this behavior! Your half-brother is practically on his deathbed, and all you can do is fight like this? And in Athena and Michael's house, no less! Am I the only blonde in here with any sense?! Show some respect!"

The room fell silent, the sisters freezing in their tracks as Claire's words echoed in the air. Her voice was filled with a commanding presence that demanded attention and respect, cutting through the chaos like a knife.

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