Chapter 171-The Queen of Pop

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June 20th, 2005

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June 20th, 2005

Athena was on stage. It was her seventh show on her first solo tour and everything had been running smoothly so far. Her marriage to Michael was excelling, hence why he was backstage somewhere. Her backup dancers were great, and the band was great too. Just as she finished Hips Don't Lie, one of her backup dancers pulled her unnecessarily close and planted one on her lips.

Athena froze in shock for a minute after he pulled away and quickly composed herself while subtly wiping her lips as if to make it seem to the crowd that the kissing charade was part of the show when the reality was—it wasn't. She didn't know about it and wanted nothing to do with it.

She was fully aware that Michael was backstage, most likely fuming at the occurrence—he was probably itching for them to get backstage so he could fire that dancer, despite him not being the boss in this case.

Once she had finished the final song of the show, she made her way backstage, but not before telling the crowd she loved them. She even skipped the part of the show where she brought fans up on stage to teach the hip swing, knowing she had to get to the bottom of this kiss issue immediately.

But before she could handle things being her normally gracious and kind self, she walked down the steps of the stage only to find Michael already in the process of firing that dancer, who was arguing back with him with the words 'Athena's in charge around here!'

Athena's heart raced as she descended the steps, trying to make sense of the chaos unfolding before her. She could feel the tension crackling in the air as Michael and the dancer exchanged heated words. The rest of the crew stood by awkwardly, unsure of where to direct their gazes.

As she approached, Athena's eyes locked with Michael's stormy gaze. His usually warm brown eyes were now dark with anger and hurt. She had never seen him like this before, and it sent a cold shiver down her spine.

"Michael, what's going on here?" Athena asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Michael turned towards her, his expression softening slightly at the sight of her confusion, "Athena, this man disrespected you. He crossed a line that should never have been crossed."

The dancer scoffed, his bravado faltering in the face of Athena's piercing gaze, "She kissed me back, man! Ask her yourself!"

"It was not a part of the show," Athena shook her head, her assuring gaze moving to her husband.

"I know, baby," Michael gently nudged her behind him, knowing she was the most loyal woman you would ever meet.

"Hey, man—and Miss Tyler—" Jake huffed, "I thought it would spice up the show!"

"You don't get to make that decision," Athena said, her voice firm yet not unkind, "These are things that need to be discussed with everyone involved. And you probably didn't bring it up in the production meeting because you knew I wouldn't be okay with it."

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