Chapter 172-The Will Talk

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June 30th, 2008

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June 30th, 2008

"Hey, baby," Athena voiced as she sat down on the couch, "You wanted to talk about something?"

"Oh, yes!" Michael said as he put his drink down and joined her on the couch, "I wanted to go on one final tour. Maybe call it 'This Is It' to signify that it's my final tour. It would be fifty shows at the London 02 arenas."

"'re ending your career?" Athena asked with wide eyes.

"Well, not necessarily," Michael said, "This is my final tour, but that doesn't mean it's my final album."

Athena's heart swelled with emotion at Michael's words. The idea of a final tour felt bittersweet to her, knowing how much music and performing meant to him. She reached out to take his hand, lacing their fingers together as she searched his eyes for any hint of uncertainty or hesitation. But all she found was a determined gleam, a fire burning within him that she had always admired.

"I think it's a fantastic idea, Michael," Athena said softly, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "You deserve to have a grand finale to your incredible career."

Michael squeezed her hand in response, gratitude shining in his eyes, "I'm glad you think so, baby. Your support means everything to me."

As they sat there, hand in hand, the weight of Michael's decision hung in the air between them. But instead of feeling weighed down by it, Athena felt a sense of excitement building within her.

This final tour would be an opportunity for Michael to showcase his artistry and talent on a global stage, a chance for him to leave a lasting legacy in the music industry. And she would be right there beside him, every step of the way, supporting him and cheering him on through every performance.

"Does this mean you'll never get on stage again?" Athena asked as her eyes teared up.

Michael's expression softened at Athena's question, his thumb gently brushing away a tear that had escaped down her cheek, "No, baby, it doesn't mean that at all," he reassured her, his voice warm and full of love, "I'll always find a way to share my music with the world. Whether it's through albums or special performances, my love for music will never fade."

Athena's heart swelled with love for him, her faith in their bond unwavering. She leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a silent promise of unwavering support and devotion. Together, they would navigate this new chapter, hand in hand, facing whatever challenges or triumphs lay ahead.

As the sun dipped below the horizon outside their window, casting a warm glow over the room, Michael and Athena sat intertwined on the couch, their shared journey stretching out before them like an open road.

"This reminds me, we never did do our will," Michael reminded, "We said we'd have one when I'm fifty, and I'm forty-nine now. We should probably get that sorted out."

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