Chapter 50-The Truth Must Be Told

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Athena and Michael were back in California—both debating over the best course of action. Athena had called her father and asked him to stop by Neverland, after getting Michael's approval of course.

Athena's nerves were on edge as she waited for Steven to arrive at Neverland. She paced back and forth in the living room, her mind racing with the implications of what she was about to do. Michael watched her with a mixture of concern and support, his presence a reassuring anchor in the storm of emotions swirling around them.

When the doorbell finally rang, Athena's heart leaped into her throat—glancing over at Michael, she whispered, "It's your house." she said, implying she felt she couldn't answer the door.

Michael gave Athena a reassuring nod, understanding what she meant before heading to the door. As he opened it, Steven was standing there with a look of surprise on his face at her unexpected invitation.

"Daddy, thanks for coming," Athena said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach.

Steven's brow furrowed in confusion as he stepped inside. "Athena, what's this all about? You sounded urgent on the phone," he said, his tone tinged with concern.

Athena led her father to the cozy sitting area, gesturing for him to take a seat before settling across from him. Michael hovered nearby, choosing to sit right next to Athena and hold her hand, his presence a silent source of support.

"Well, I wasn't sure if we should rope you in yet, but I already know that Kayden had no intentions of telling you," Athena sighed.

Steven's expression darkened at the mention of Kayden's name, his jaw tightening in a rare display of anger. "What has that boy gone and done now?" he asked, his voice clipped with frustration.

"Well, I recently found out that....well, he's been cheating on Claire," Athena finally said, "I tracked him down to Minnesota and gave him one hell of a scolding—but he seemed like he considered him cheating on Claire a minor inconvenience in their marriage."

Steven sat back in his seat, his features twisting with a mix of disbelief and anger. "Cheating on Claire," he repeated, his voice low and dangerous, "That boy has a lot to answer for. And what about Claire? Does she know?"

"I told him that if he didn't tell her, I would—but, I don't know if I can," Athena sighed, "That's not the kind of news you want to break to anybody. And I know he hasn't told her," she added.

Steven's gaze hardened as he processed the information, his features etched with a steely resolve. "Athena, you did the right thing in telling me," he said firmly, his tone unwavering. "It may not be an easy conversation to have with Claire, but it's a necessary one. She deserves to know the truth."

"I tried tough love. I told him I would tell Claire to divorce him and that I would gladly pay his alimony." Athena added, "He said divorce was unnecessary."

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