Chapter 185-Unwanted Guests

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FEBRURARY 20th, 2010

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FEBRURARY 20th, 2010

Things around Neverland Valley Ranch in Los Olivos, California for Michael and Athena had been peaceful. Prince Michael was sleeping and eating as he was supposed to, as was healthy—until all hell broke loose when Athena's half-sisters called, wanting to see the baby.

The issue was that Athena had just given birth last week and only got home four days ago, so she was in no mood for visitors.

It wasn't that Athena had an issue with her sisters—it was that she needed time with the baby to adjust to motherhood. And she was breastfeeding, so she couldn't exactly do that with them around.

Athena decided that she didn't care if she was harsh about it—she sent a message to Reggie saying that she was in no mood for visitors. Reggie answered, seemingly understanding, and said that she would tell the others to back off for a couple of days. Being a mother herself, Reggie knew how Athena felt.

After that, she felt bad so she said only Reggie and her husband Adam could come over and see her and Michael at Neverland, but the baby was napping.

"Baby, are you sure you want anyone over?" Michael asked, "Frankly, I don't feel like having visitors either. We just got back from the hospital."

"I know," Athena shook her head, "I just don't want everyone around all at once. I already know what's going to happen—they'll all try kissing him and that's one of my boundaries. No kissing my son."

Michael nodded in understanding, wrapping his arm around Athena as they sat together on the couch in the cozy living room of Neverland. The soft hum of the heater filled the room, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere as they discussed their plans for the next few days.

"I agree," Michael began, his voice gentle, "We need this time to bond as a family. Visitors can wait. The most important thing right now is taking care of you and little Prince."

Athena leaned into his embrace, feeling a wave of relief wash over her at his words. She knew that Michael always had a way of understanding her needs without her having to say anything—it was one of the many reasons she loved him so deeply.

"Thank you for being so supportive, Michael," Athena whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Michael smiled, the love in his eyes reflecting the deep bond they shared, "We're in this together, baby." Prince started crying from upstairs and Michael sat up, "I'll get—"

"No, I'll get him," Athena swiftly cut him off, making her way up the stairs.

Athena entered the nursery where little Prince was wailing in his crib. She scooped him up gently, cradling him against her chest as she began to softly hum a lullaby. Almost immediately, the baby's cries began to subside, his tiny fists unclenching as he settled into his mother's warm embrace.

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