Chapter 96-Ringing Cell Phones

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Everyone's eyes automatically went to the screen as Michael grabbed the remote to turn the volume up

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Everyone's eyes automatically went to the screen as Michael grabbed the remote to turn the volume up.

"We are live outside Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center." the news anchor reporter said, "Where pop sensation, Athena Tyler, went into hours ago. It was around 12:00 PM today that she made her frantic entrance inside. If Athena is here to support her brother, then why isn't Steven Tyler here with his kids?"

"Oh, this is ridiculous!" Steven huffed, "They're scrutinizing me for not being there!"

"Miss Tyler seemed quite distraught as she made her initial—oh, guys, turn the camera around! She's coming out!" the news reporter hurriedly said as the camera angle focused on Athena's unmistakable frame, Michael's aviator sunglasses on her nose, her hair partially covering her face as she put her hand up to shield herself from the flashes—the paparazzi shouting endless questions and statements at her.

"Athena, what's Kayden's medical status?!"

"Was it a drug overdose?!"

"Is he dead?!"

"Would you like to make a statement?!"

"Who's Kayden's POA?!"

"Smile for the camera, Miss Tyler!"

From the living room, everyone watched the screen as Athena turned her head for a moment, visibly tense. She looked to be in deep thought before she turned her head again and kept walking.

As Athena walked out of the hospital, the chaos around her seemed to intensify. The paparazzi continued to swarm her, their cameras clicking incessantly as they shouted questions and snapped photos.

Athena's jaw was clenched in frustration as she hurried towards her waiting car, the sunglasses perched on her face shielding her eyes from the blinding flashes. She could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders as she tried to block out the voices calling out to her.

"Miss Tyler, please, just one statement!"

"Athena, is Kayden going to be okay?"

"What happened inside?"

Despite the barrage of questions, Athena remained silent as she weaved her way through the big and expanding crowd of paparazzi and news reporters.

"She looked like she wanted to say something," Rebbie said quietly.

"She didn't though," Katherine added.

"She was probably thinking, 'What would Michael do?'" Reggie added, "She told me that's what she does when she's at a crossroads," she sighed, her gaze fixed on the television screen where Athena's figure was slowly disappearing into the car, "She told me that whenever she's in doubt, she thinks about what you would do in that situation. You're her rock, Michael."

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