Chapter 94-Hospital Surprise

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The SUV fell into a heavy silence as the weight of Athena's dangerous mission settled over Michael's family

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The SUV fell into a heavy silence as the weight of Athena's dangerous mission settled over Michael's family. Each member grappled with their own fears and worries for Athena and Janet, unsure of what the outcome of this risky rendezvous with Alex would be. Amidst the tension, Katherine reached out a hand to hold Joseph's in a gesture of comfort and solidarity, silently conveying her concern for their loved ones.

As the minutes ticked by, filled with an anxious anticipation, Marlon finally broke the silence with a shaky exhale, "We have to trust Athena to handle this," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "She's always been resourceful and determined. If anyone can outsmart this guy and bring Janet back safely, it's her."

The rest of the family members nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of worry and hope. They knew that time was of the essence, and the minutes felt like hours as they waited for any word from Athena.

Minutes felt like hours. And then the update came in.

I got Janet. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. -Hena

Relief washed over Michael's family as Athena's message came through, confirming that she had succeeded in rescuing Janet and getting her the medical attention she needed. The tension that had gripped the SUV eased slightly, replaced by a sense of gratitude and admiration for Athena's courage and quick thinking in the face of danger. Katherine let out a soft sob of relief, her hand clutching Joseph's tightly as tears welled up in her eyes.

Joseph let out a heavy sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging with the weight lifted off his chest, "Thank God," he murmured, a prayer of gratitude on his lips.

Marlon pumped his fist in the air, a triumphant grin breaking out on his face, "That's our girl!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with pride for Athena's bravery and quick thinking.

She's awake. -Hena

The tension in the SUV dissolved into a wave of overwhelming emotions as Athena's message about Janet being awake flashed on their screens. Excitement, relief, and curiosity mingled in the air, creating a palpable buzz of anticipation among Michael's family members.

Joseph wiped away a stray tear on his wife's face and gave her a reassuring smile before turning to the others with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "Let's go see Janet. I'm sure she has quite the story to tell us."

The SUV sped towards UCLA Medical Center, each passing moment heightening the sense of eager anticipation within the vehicle. As they pulled up to the hospital entrance, the family hurried inside, their footsteps echoing down the sterile corridor leading to Janet's room.

When they reached her door, they found Athena and Claire standing on either side of Janet's bed, all looking to be in an intense conversation.

Janet looked frail but determined as she smiled weakly at her family gathered around her, "Hey, guys."

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