Chapter 128-Detained In New York

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JUNE 20th, 1996

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JUNE 20th, 1996

Nicole Madden was being detained at the NYPD station after being found with drugs in her possession. She'd been going through a rough patch and ran off to New York, not notifying anyone of her whereabouts.

"Ma'am, is there anyone we can call for you?" Olivia Benson asked kindly.

"Not that I can think of," Nicole replied.

"Okay, how about a sibling?" Finn Tutuola asked, "You look familiar. I think I've seen you on TV. Aren't you related to Athena Tyler?"

"Yes, Athena is my daughter," Nicole admitted, her voice cracking with emotion, "But we haven't spoken in months. She's too wrapped up in her Hollywood life, married to the King of Pop, to care about anyone else."

"She's your daughter, Nicole," Finn added, exchanging a look with Olivia.

Nicole sighed as she wrapped her arms around herself, "Yeah," she whispered, "Then she abandoned Sorelle and didn't contact the family until my other daughter got married."

"I'll make a call," Olivia said firmly, determined to help Nicole in any way she could. She reached for her phone and dialed Athena's number, hoping that despite their differences, family ties would prevail in this moment of need—despite any resentment Athena may feel towards Nicole.

As the phone rang, Nicole held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. A part of her hoped that Athena wouldn't answer, wouldn't come to her rescue after all this time. But another part yearned for her daughter, for the familiarity.

Suddenly, a voice answered on the other end of the line, "Hello?" It was Athena's unmistakable light voice, tinged with surprise at seeing Olivia's name flash on her caller ID.

"Athena, it's Olivia Benson," Olivia began, "I have your mother here at the station. She needs you."

"What did she do?" Athena asked, a certain edge to her voice, "Does she need to be bailed out?"

Olivia looked over at Nicole, who was sitting in the chair with handcuffs around her wrists, "Well, I won't lie and say she doesn't need to be bailed out," Olivia sighed, shutting the door to her office so their conversation wouldn't be overheard. 

Olivia proceeded to explain the situation to Athena, detailing Nicole's arrest and the need for someone to come and pick her up from the station. Athena was silent for a moment, the weight of Olivia's words hanging heavy in the air.

"I'm in LA," Athena finally spoke, her voice softer this time, "I'll be there, but it's going to be a while."

Olivia nodded, grateful that Athena had agreed to come despite the distance between them. She hung up and turned to Nicole, who was anxiously waiting for any news, "Athena is on her way," Olivia informed her, trying to offer some comfort in this tense moment.

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