Chapter 24-Lionel Richie

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Athena couldn't help but wonder—should she break her self-imposed silence and reenter the music industry, she would inevitably be exposed to the chaos and scrutiny once more

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Athena couldn't help but wonder—should she break her self-imposed silence and reenter the music industry, she would inevitably be exposed to the chaos and scrutiny once more. The thought of stepping back into that tumultuous world where her every move was dissected and evaluated filled her with trepidation.

As if sensing her concerns, Michael's gaze softened, his hands finding solace in hers. "Baby," he began, his voice steady and comforting, "I understand your hesitation, your fear of once again being consumed by the noise and chaos. But you have to remember that you have grown stronger during your time out of the spotlight. You've had time to reflect. You evolved, gained clarity, discovered aspects of yourself that were once buried." Michael unraveled his unwavering belief in her, reminding her of the resilience that had once been a steady part of her life, "You have faced the darkness head-on. And now you have the opportunity to step back into the spotlight on your terms, guided by your own intuition and vision for what you want for your career."

"Michael, I appreciate you and everyone believing in me," Athena sighed, "But I don't know how the solo world works. I've always been in a band. I'm not comfortable doing it myself, but you know that already. You're singing with me at my sisters wedding just because I can't bring myself to do it alone."

"Of course, baby," Michael replied, his voice tender and soothing, "I understand your apprehension. Stepping into the solo world can be daunting, especially when you've always been a part of a band. I would know, I did it myself. But you don't have to do it alone, Athena. I'm here for you, every step of the way."

"And I appreciate that, but even if I did utimately come to the decision to go through with this solo project," Athena paused, "I wouldn't want you to think I'm using you. And I wouldn't want other people to think I'm using you to be successful, simply because you're Michael Jackson."

"Baby, my desire to help you isn't driven by my fame, but for the depth of love and admiration I have for you as a person," Michael said as he pushed himself closer to her, "Our connection goes far beyond either of our careers. I understand your concern, Athena. But you need to realize that I believe in your talent, and I want to see you succeed in any path you want. It's not about using me, it's about me using my resources to help someone I care for that shares in the same passion as me."

Athena sighed, her cheeks flushing with a mix of vulnerability and gratitude. "I appreciate your support, Michael," she said softly, "But the music industry can be cutthroat, and I don't want to put you in a difficult position."

Michael looked into Athena's eyes, his love and determination shining through, "I understand your concerns about the cruelty of the press. And I respect your desire to protect me from any of their made up stories; they make stuff up either way. But please know that I am fully committed to sticking by your side, no matter what they feel like saying about it."

"Michael," Athena began, her voice hesitant yet sincere, "I don't want people to question my intentions or integrity. The last thing I want is for others to think I'm only using you to further my own success."

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